On the left of the screen you'll see a menu. Navigate to "Depots", and then click on the depot ID of the one you'd like to download. Clicking your chosen depot ID will take you to a new page. Now click on the "Manifests" tab. Look at the list and find the version that you want to download. Record it's manifest ID. A launch application should pop up. Select the Steam client and open the link.
This will open the Steam console in your Steam client. Wait for Steam to download the depot. You won't see any indication of progress, but you can tell it's downloading by looking at the network usage on your downloads page. After the download is done, Steam will show you where the files were downloaded to.
Go to the original game's installation directory, and move the files somewhere else. Then go to where the depot files were downloaded to, and move everything over to the game folder.
You may have to rename the game's EXE file if the dev changed the launch options recently. You should now be able to launch the old version through Steam! Note: Game updates will make a mess of things, so if you want to stay on the same version, you should make a copy of the files so you don't have to download them again after Steam's done trying to update.
Bc the newest version doesn't work on my PC. But a backupped 'older' version that I still had on my flashdrive work perfectly. Ironic IMHO. Cathulhu View Profile View Posts. Steam always checks for an updated version on startup and downloads the latest when available. Originally posted by Cathulhu :.
Last edited by Aerix "the Twilight" Spades ; 13 Jul, am. Nope, that check is present for several years. Even if you install the very first release of Steam, it will still need to update. If you are trying to get the older GUI, there are many Skins for that. This page lists game versions with the appropriate depots, branches and manifest ids to download older game versions. The information has been obtained from SteamDB using the history tab manually and may be missing some game versions.
This should open the steam console where you can type commands. You can download an external program called depot downloader on Github at this address github. Remember: you will need the. NET runtime to run the app. You can download this at this address dotnet.
The most popular way is Depot Downloader, however we will specifically focus on the built-in Steam Console downloader as it does not require you to provide your Steam credentials, is a simple patch, and easy to use.
Download SteamDepotDownpatcher. If everything is good, you should see " Wrote the patch to memory " at the end. If you are getting the " Manifest not available " error when trying to downgrade, that means you have not yet run the patcher in the current session.
Steam must be running in order for the patcher to work as no files on your disk are modified, only the running process memory. This is an unfortunate requirement as Valve no longer officially allows downgrading thanks to the checks introduced in February You run the program at your own risk.
In order to downgrade we first need to know what version we want to install. Version numbers 1. Luckily, I have complemented the list with its corresponding version numbers below, so you don't have to guess.
Refer to the tables below or alternatively, if there's a new version not listed there then check this list [steamdb. Choose the version you want and memorize its corresponding Manifest ID - we will be using it next.
You can click highlighted items to read patchnotes. Now that we are in the Steam Console, we can start the download of the version you have chosen.
Below is an example for version 1. Now that the download is complete, perform the following: Copy the resulting path you got in the console and paste it into the Windows Explorer's address bar example above. Go up the directory tree, back to steamapps. Your mods will be removed and can be reinstalled later, but this should prevent obscure issues from occurring. Now paste the downloaded files into the Beat Saber directory, accepting the overwrite prompt. You have now downgraded the game.
If you had mods for older versions, and you have a renamed folder with them e. Alternatively, just open your mod manager and select the version you've downgraded to, downloading and installing your mods again.