Professionals can use this book,. It was issued by the Standards Council on August 4, , with an effective date ofAugust 24, , and supersedes all previous editions.
Score: 4. This is a book of questions and answers based on actual electrician's exams over the last few years.
Almost a thousand multiple-choice questions -- exactly the type you'll find on the exam -- cover every area of electrical installation: electrical drawings, services and systems, transformers, capacitors, distribution equipment, branch circuits, feeders, calculations, measuring and testing, and more.
It gives you the correct answer, an explanation, and where to find it in the latest NEC. Also tells how to apply for the test, where to get your application form, how best to study, and what to expect on examination day.
Includes a FREE software download with all the questions in the book in interactive test-yourself software that makes studying for the exam almost fun Updated to the NEC.
This is a tool every journeyman and master electrician candidate will find worth several times the small expense. Drawing on decades of industry and classroom experience, the authors guide students step-by-step through the critical tasks and responsibilities required of today's professional electricians in both new construction and existing homes.
Extremely reader friendly, the text offers detailed explanations without being overly technical, and content clearly relates the NEC to real-world installation processes. Vivid Illustrations coordinate with the latest NEC regulations to provide further clarity, and foldout plans at the back of the text give students hands-on practice applying code requirements. These 48 durable, full-page tabs to be inserted before the articles you reference most, so you reduce the time you spend flipping through pages.
It's a great way to customize your Loose-leaf, and apply the most advanced installation requirements for electric conductors and other equipment. It was issued by the Standards Council on August 4, , with an effective date ofAugust 24, , and supersedes all previous editions.
Author : Charles R. Miller Publisher: Cengage Learning ISBN: Category: Education Page: View: Read Now » This uniquely effective guide helps readers master the National Electrical Code, using highly detailed, technically accurate illustrations to make even the most complex aspects of the code easier to understand and apply.
An experienced author, educator, and master electrician, Charles Miller translates the often vague, complicated language of the NEC into clear, simple instructions accompanied by helpful visuals. Topics are organized logically and presented in a convenient, modular format for easy reference, beginning with fundamental concepts and progressing to requirements for various dwellings, from one-family homes to multi-family housing, commercial locations, and special occupancies.
The Seventh Edition of this trusted resource provides thorough coverage of changes to the NEC, as well as numerous new and updated illustrations.
Comprehensive coverage, an innovative learning approach perfect for today's visual learners, and accurate, up-to-date information make this valuable resource indispensable for beginning and experienced electricians, engineers, and other electrical professionals. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
The requirements are in the order of a typical installation. The author explores each room of the house in detail, covering receptacle placement, smoke detector installation, stairwells, and crawl spaces, as well as key topics such as grounding and bonding requirements, HVAC circuits, GFCI and AFCI requirements, and voltage drop calculations.
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