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Full NOTE 6—The SI units presented are basically soft conversions of the immersion, also known as complete or total immersion inch-pound units; other rationalized SI units should be acceptable provid- ing they meet the requirements established by the inch-pound apparatus.

The thermometric device shall be standardized by comparison to a nationally or internation- 6. The provided to hold the sample while it is being dispersed.

The thermometric device shall be standardized at least once every cup shall contain two sets of three long baffle rods and two sets twelve months. The same thermometric device shall be used of three short baffle rods rigidly mounted to the interior sides for all measurements. This cup is used with the stirring apparatus. The device requires an air source capable 6. The 6. The the device and the air source. Water may condense in the lines capacity of this balance will need to exceed the mass of the when not in use and this water must be removed.

There are two container plus soil used to contain the soil suspension after the ways to remove the water: use of a water trap or purging the completion of the sedimentation test. In general, a balance with lines before use. If a water trap is used, it shall be installed on a minimum capacity of 1, g is sufficient. These requirements typically NOTE 7—Use of this device or others, causes differing amounts of require the use of a forced-draft oven.

Information on how to 6. The 0. The device typically needs at least 0. The agitator must not have any type 6. This device shall be used for referee testing. Note: All dimensions are shown in millimetres unless otherwise noted. A The SI units presented are basically soft conversions of the inch-pound units; other rationalized SI units should be acceptable providing they meet the technical requirements established by the inch-pound apparatus.

Commer- described in The use of tap water is not permitted. Typically, 5 grams per test of dispersant is used to ously agitating the soaking soil. The must be large enough to hold a beaker or flask containing the chemical formula for the dispersant shown above is approximate.

The 8. Sampling water level in the bath should be equal to or higher than the 8. It is assumed the sample is 6. However, the testing agency shall the oven-dried specimen. In which case, the water content of soil particles without breaking individual particles. Reagents and Materials a wide range of particle sizes. Typically, samples for particle- 7.

Consult the Safety Data conductivity or strength tests. In some cases, such as compac- Sheet SDS for specific information regarding this chemical. Test dures provided in Test Methods D Methods D, Section 9, gives additional information re- 8. Preparation of the Test Specimen 9. Process the entire from the reduced sample: moist and air-dried.

In these prepa- reduced sample over the No. Check that the material retained on particle size and mass. The test shall not be performed on the sieve does not contain aggregations of finer particles. Any oven-dried material. The moist preparation method shall be aggregations should be broken and passed through the sieve. It used for referee testing and for samples not received in the is not necessary that the separation be totally complete but the air-dried state.

The air-dried method shall only be used on material passing the sieve shall be representative. The material materials received in the air-dried state Note 9. Since some passing the separation sieve is termed the sedimentation fine-grained, air-dried soils aggregate, a mortar and rubber sample and shall meet the minimum mass requirement of Table covered pestle is used to break up aggregations.

Care must be 1. Record the separation sieve size that is used to separate the taken to avoid disintegration or reduction of individual par- sample. Use only enough force as necessary to break up the 9. The material is thoroughly mixed to time of the first reading. The capacity of the H hydrometer is about 55 obtain a uniform reduced sample. Intact fine-grained samples g of dry soil and the capacity of the H is about 45 g. For example, if the water proximately 13 mm, and mixed to make uniform.

There is no percent passing the No. In then split or quarter the sedimentation sample into at least two order to obtain a uniform reduced sample, the sample is portions: one for the water content determination and one for blended at room temperature.

The water content specimen shall contain 50 6 10 g of material. There are two ways to determine this correction: specimens, the sedimentation sample is considered to have sufficient take companion measurements in a control cylinder filled with material.

If there is not enough material to obtain both the necessary the reference solution during the testing or generate a reusable, masses of the specimens, the sedimentation sample is considered to have calibration relationship. Both options require the use of a limited material. The sedimentation test to the nearest 0. Fill a control cylinder to the 1, mL mark with accordance with Test Methods D, and record the water a mixture of test water and the same amount of dispersant used content, wc, to the nearest 0.

The test water and dispersant shall be well mixed such that no visible crystals can be seen The hydrom- filled with the reference solution in conjunction with the soil eter shall be free of cracks and chips, which can compromise suspension cylinder to obtain the correction. Position the the integrity of the hydrometer. The body and stem of a control cylinder in the same temperature controlled location as hydrometer seldom change over time, unless they have been the test cylinders so that all cylinders are at or near the same subjected to corrosive materials or have been damaged, that is, temperature.

For each hydrometer and temperature reading chipped or cracked. They only need to be checked before use taken in the soil suspension cylinder, take a corresponding or after damage has been suspected or seen.

Since it is possible hydrometer reading and temperature reading in the control for the paper scale inside the hydrometer stem to slide down, cylinder. However, it is permissible for one control cylinder the length of the stem above and below the top and bottom hydrometer reading taken at the start of the sedimentation test graduations, respectively, as well as the hydrometer reading in to be used for the initial series of time readings in the soil the test water, shall be checked and documented according to suspension up to 30 minutes.

It is also permissible for one the interval presented in Annex A1 to make sure the scale has control cylinder temperature reading taken at the start of the remained in its proper place. If the scale has moved, the sedimentation test to be used for the initial series of time hydrometer shall be replaced. Reading the than 0.

Record the hydrometer can be difficult. A properly placed hydrometer elapsed time and the hydrometer and temperature readings of should neither bob nor rotate appreciably when released in the the control cylinder on the data sheet s only when measured soil suspension. It is important for the stem to be dry and clean Note If the stem is wet NOTE 13—Readings taken in one control cylinder may be used for above the reading point it will add mass to the hydrometer multiple test cylinders.

Therefore, if the hydrometer and temperature causing the reading to be too low. If the stem is not clean, readings in the control cylinder are only taken once during the first 30 variations in the meniscus rise will result.

In this application, minutes of the test, only that reading is recorded on each of the data the hydrometers are always read at the top of the meniscus for sheet s to which it applies.

These measured readings are not to be written the reason stated in Then, gently hold it by the measurements during the test. A temperature-based general stem with one or both hands and slowly lower it to the depth calibration relationship is required and established for each at which it just floats.

This insertion process should take hydrometer. A sedimentation cylinder is filled to the 1, mL between 5 to 15 seconds. Be sure the solution is thoroughly mixed suspension fluid density changes, therefore calculations for the and the temperature is allowed to equilibrate. Then insert the quantity of particles in suspension must account for fluid hydrometer as described in The meniscus rise has a small the solution.

Rinse the hydrometer well with test water impact on the effective depth determination since the reading is between readings and dry it prior to taking the next reading.

The meniscus correction is performed before process. Take at least five different hydrometer and temperature initial use of the hydrometer and after damage has been readings within the range of temperatures expected during the suspected or noticed.

Calculate the constant A or B as discussed The amount of dispersant. The reading at the top of the meniscus calibration measurements are used to compute the constant A in and the reading where the plane of water surface intersects the the following equation. The standard deviation of the five stem are recorded. The difference between these two readings measurements shall be less than 0. The average value of is the meniscus correction, Cm. In accordance with Test A is used when computing the temperature-density correction.

Observe a point slightly below the plane of the water surface and raise the line of vision until this where: surface, seen in an ellipse, becomes a straight line. The reference solution, readable to 0. The meniscus correction is a positive number for and either hydrometer used. The effective depth is defined as the ticles specific gravity of 2. The temperature-density correction provides the of the soil suspension.

The equation to calculate the effective offset mass reading for the hydrometer for a specific tempera- depth when the hydrometer is inserted and removed between ture and dispersant concentration.

The calibration measure- readings requires certain dimensional measurements in order to ments are used to compute the constant B in the following do the calculation. Refer to Fig. The standard deviation of the 5 measurements shall The average value of B is used when bulb, Vhb, to the nearest 1 cm3 using the procedure given in computing the temperature-density correction. Annex A1. Record both readable to 0. NOTE 14—The equations relating the hydrometer readings to tempera- ture are based on the same water density-temperature expression as used in Test Methods D For the H mass in suspension hydrometer, the constants are multiplied by setting the scale to read mass of solids in solution for a particle specific gravity of 2.

It is common practice to read the hydrometer at the top of the meniscus and it must be taken there even when it is possible to FIG. Procedure Record to the nearest 0. If added directly to the sedimentation specimen, add at least mL of test water to the specimen and dispersant to form a slurry of milkshake consistency. The amount of test water to be added during this step should be sufficient enough only to facilitate the process of breaking apart the soil aggregations.

Mix the contents with a spatula or similar device until all of the soil aggregations are broken-up Note NOTE 15—If hand mixing is not efficient, use a to mL Erlenmeyer flask along with either a wrist or orbital dispersion mechani- cal shaker to vigorously agitate the soil slurry in a minimum of mL of test water for a few hours or until all the soil aggregations are broken-up.

Be aware the dispersion cup has a capacity of about mL and the stirring apparatus is only efficient in dispersing soil aggregations that will pass between the baffle rods. An ultrasonic water bath, along with the flask, may also be used to agitate the slurry. Add additional test water as necessary such that the cup is half full, then use the stirring apparatus to blend the soil for about 1 minute.

Add test water to the sedimentation cylinder to bring the bottom of the meniscus of the slurry to the 1, mL 6 1 mm mark.

Proceed to Add additional test water as necessary to bring the volume to no more than mL in the sedimentation cylinder. This initial pressure is needed to prevent the slurry from entering the air jets when the device is inserted into the cylinder and to remove Then, slowly lower the sedimentation cylinder, Ac, to the nearest 0. Make sure the rubber stopper is procedure given in A1. At the relatively constant temperature.

This conditioning period al- end of five minutes, reduce the pressure to 7 kPa and lift the air lows the temperature to equilibrate and for the specimen to jets out of the slurry and wash any slurry remaining on the deflocculate Note The soil slurry is now referred to as a device back into the cylinder. Once the device is washed off, soil suspension since the specimen is basically ready for turn off the air flow to the device and add test water to the testing.

If the Check for the presence of foam on top of been contaminated with dispersant. A new specimen would the slurry after mixing. If a significant amount of foam is need to be treated to prevent flocculation. Such treatment is present, it may be necessary to reduce the foam using isopropyl beyond the scope of this test method.

The dispersant will not be effective in breaking of the cylinder. Stroke the agitator at a rate of about one cycle these bonds. In such circumstances the salt should be leached from the soil per second over a distance of several centimeters to dislodge before proceeding with the sedimentation test. This leaching results in a any material stuck to the bottom of the cylinder.

After the considerable increase in effort and difficulty to process the material and is material is dislodged, the agitator should be rapidly moved not discussed in this standard. Minor flocculation will shift the particle-size distribution gradation towards a bottom of the cylinder and then upwards with a slower motion. Moderate flocculation will cause a plateau in the curve as The downward stroke should take about one to two seconds the sedimentation process stops.

Major flocculation will completely halt while the upward stroke should take about two to three sedimentation at an early stage. Only major flocculation is visually seconds. As this process is repeated, the elevation of the detectable showing a lack of material collected at the bottom of the starting position of the agitation cycle is raised until the bottom cylinder, a surface layer of clear fluid, or horizontal cracks in the suspension.

Keep the paddle submerged at all times during Mix for about one minute or until the suspension deflocculated, the suspension shall once again be mixed to appears uniform.

Repeat the mixing procedure as Upon completion of agitation, make sure the stopper in the open end of the cylinder or use the palm of the cylinder is on a stable surface and in a location where it will not hand to cover the opening. Then turn the cylinder upside down be subjected to any jarring or disturbance and immediately start and back for a period of one minute to complete the agitation the timer as directed in either If using a of the slurry Note Using the cylinder tipping method is temperature controlled water bath, immediately place the not very efficient and tipping for more than one minute will cylinder back into the water bath after agitation.

This Use of after mixing, immediately add up to three drops of isopropyl the agitator is greatly encouraged. NOTE 16—When using the tipping method, there will likely be some After the sedimentation cylinder above the 1, mL mark. Do not rinse these particles back into the cylinder.

NOTE 17—The number of turns during this minute should be approxi- For hydrometer H the composite the specifications for the material under test. Bring the liquid and the hydrometer to the other tempera- vertical motion of the sieve, accompanied by a jarring action in ture to be used, and secure the composite correction as before. In no case turn or manipulate fragments in the 8. Hygroscopic Moisture sample through the sieve by hand. Continue sieving until not 8. Record sieving as described above.

At the end of weighing, 9. Dispersion of Soil Sample the sum of the masses retained on all the sieves used should 9. Stir 7. Determination of Composite Correction for until the soil is thoroughly wetted.

Allow to soak for at least 16 Hydrometer Reading h. If stirring demineralized water. A dispersing agent is used in the water, apparatus A is used, transfer the soil-water slurry from the however, and the specific gravity of the resulting liquid is beaker into the special dispersion cup shown in Fig. Add distilled or demineralized 7.

Stir and variations in temperature from this standard temperature for a period of 1 min. The NOTE 9—A large size syringe is a convenient device for handling the amount of the inaccuracy increases as the variation from the water in the washing operation.

Other devices include the wash-water standard temperature increases. Since it is not possible to secure readings of soil cap and connect the cup to a compressed air supply by means suspensions at the bottom of the meniscus, readings must be of a rubber hose. A air gage must be on the line between the taken at the top and a correction applied. Open the control valve so that the. Add distilled using as many sieves as desired, or required for the material, or or demineralized water, if necessary, so that the total volume in upon the specification of the material under test.

Sieve Analysis Values for the Portion Coarser than transferred to the dispersion cup. Disperse the dividing the mass passing the No. To obtain the mass passing the No. Under 5 5 To secure the total mass of for only 1 min. For the remaining. Hydrometer Test sieves, continue the calculations in the same manner. Hygroscopic Moisture Correction Factor cylinder or a rubber stopper in the open end , turn the cylinder At the end of 1 min set the mass before drying.

It is a number less than one, except when cylinder in a convenient location and take hydrometer readings there is no hygroscopic moisture. Percentages of Soil in Suspension the sample or the specification for the material under test: 2, 5, If the controlled water bath is hydrometer analysis by multiplying the air-dry mass by the used, the sedimentation cylinder should be placed in the bath hygroscopic moisture correction factor.

Any soil oven-dry mass used by the percentage passing the No. This value be loosened by vigorous shaking of the cylinder while it is in the inverted position.

As soon as the reading is taken, carefully suspension may be calculated as follows Note 13 : For remove the hydrometer and place it with a spinning motion in hydrometer H: a graduate of clean distilled or demineralized water. Readings shall be taken at the top of the meniscus formed multiplied by the portion in the parentheses. For hydrometer H: Values shown on the scale are suspension to a No.

Correction until the wash water is clear. Transfer the material on the No. Use numerical value of one in both 1. In the first instance any 1. Diameter of Soil Particles 1. For a given hydrometer and sedimen- 1. A For use in equation for percentage of soil remaining in suspension when using Hydrometer H. The value of K does not change for a series of readings constituting a test, Report while values of L and T do vary.

Without ascertaining the value The first step is to calculate the mass amount of dispersing agent, and of the fraction that would have been retained on the No. This mass is equal to the total dispersion period.

If particles larger than those contained in the sample were sented by the mass of soil used as calculated in The fractions smaller than the No. Graph c Fine sand, passing No. Keywords 1-in. ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this standard.

Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn.

Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below. Individual reprints single or multiple copies of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at phone , fax , or service astm.

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