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We are already working hard to make ACE-Personal-Trainer exam material available to our valued customers. Each Task Statement has associated knowledge and skills deemed necessary to perform the task in a practical setting. The ACE Personal Trainer Certification is designed for health and exercise professionals providing one-on-one or small-group fitness instruction to individuals who are apparently healthy or have medical clearance to exercise.
Today, ACE is the largest nonprofit health and fitness certification, education, and training organization in the world, with more than 90, certified professionals who hold more than , ACE Certifications. With a long heritage in certification, education, training, and public outreach, we are among the most respected organizations in the industry and a resource the public has come to trust for health and fitness education.
By earning an NCCA-accredited ACE Certification, health and exercise professionals demonstrate that they meet the qualifications to take a legitimate place in the healthcare continuum within their defined scope of practice. Earning and maintaining an NCCA-accredited certification can give you a competitive advantage when being considered as a candidate for employment with a company or organization that belongs to IHRSA or MFA, as it demonstrates that you have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to provide the public with safe and effective exercise programs.
With a rising interest in achieving healthier lifestyles, due in part to greater awareness about the obesity and chronic disease epidemics, more people are being drawn to careers in health and fitness.
According to the U. These free resources are produced by ACE Study Coaches and include common study questions, video demonstrations and lectures, exercise library, exam prep blogs, and Facebook groups. ACE Study Coaches have no involvement in the development and delivery of ACE Certification Exams; however, they are ACE Certified Professionals who have experience working in the field and helping individuals to prepare for and advance their careers as exercise professionals and health coaches.
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