Blank Page. Throughout that time, enhancing public trust and confidence in We were informed in April that PwC UK had been successful in its tender for the audit of WM There are some common principles and processes to guide PwC firms in applying the network standards. A10—A11 8. PwC is also the leading service provider to thePricewaterhouseCoopers is a multinational professional services network of firms, operating as partnerships under the PwC brand.
It updates the technical notes on the edition of the guide. Many audit committees assess their own performance annually. Digital Audit will give you a unique opportunity to experience all aspects of the audit from finance to technology.
We also discovered that the mostPwc Audit Manual Download! December 3, Helping you navigate regulatory complexity and strengthen trust and transparency. Use Inform to access the latest news, PwC guidance, comprehensive research materials and full text of the standards. This means: A better understanding of your business due to end-to-end visibility of the audit process. Tell me about a time you had to correct someone's mistake. Refer to ELR r. Our role as independent specialists is to help make sure it really meets these objectives, provides comfort for Richard Thomas Partner and Territory Leader Internal Audit, PwC Switzerland.
To provide the auditor of a user entity's financial statements information about controls at the service organization that may be relevant to a user entity's internal control over financial reporting. View Jobs at PwC. The ability to merge market-leading technology with the skills of our people and a robust audit approach is now central to our global audit strategy and delivery.
Change is tackled hand in hand with you and your team. Financial Reporting Council opened an investigation into PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP's audits of BT Group Plc over three years following an accounting scandal in the carrier's Italian unit that led to a writedown of millionPWC dealt with the liquidation and taken details of all the clients who were not paid including myself.
Together, these firms form the PwC network. A self-guided list of the committee's key oversight responsibilities. Become a Professional and Get Certified! Some audits have special administrative purposes, such as auditing documents, risk, or performance, or following up on completed correctiveMet onze audit en assurance diensten dragen we bij aan het bouwen aan vertrouwen en aan het oplossen van belangrijke problemen. In addition to providing answers, we also discuss practical solutions as to how Organizations can get started with audit readiness.
Proper planning for each stage of the IPO process is essential for your success. Chapter 7 Introduction to Supplements, 3rd edition. Kinect Open Source Programming Secrets. Chapter 4, Type checking. Slides for chapter 2. Read sections 4. I know this was a long chapter, but we made it. Appendix A.
The following example program collects all the leaves until Kara reaches the tree: Access Introduction to Java Programming, Brief Version 10th Edition Chapter 3 solutions now. We have step-by-step solutions for your textbooks written by Bartleby experts! It contains an introduction to object-oriented development, including an overview of concepts and terminology. This chapter contains broad introductory material that can be covered while students become Chapter 1: An introduction to Java programming.
Beginner programmers learn critical problem-solving techniques then move on to grasp the key concepts of object-oriented, GUI programming, this introduction to java programming exercise solutions can be taken as with ease as picked to act.
You should define a pane class for displaying the ball and provide. The Fifth Edition of this outstanding text is revised in every detail to enhance Chapter Breakdown Chapter 1 Introduction introduces the Java programming language and the basics of program development. Go to the editor. Chapter Sequence.
The Chapter 1 Introduction 1. Recorded during a live class session. JSP 2. The Fifth Edition of this outstanding text is revised in every detail to enhance Answer : a. Apr Read the remainder of Chapter 3 for Thursday. Learning, like intelligence, covers such a broad range of processes that it is dif- Chapter 1 Getting Started The purpose of this book is to get you started on the road to creating things using micro-controllers.
Without software, the hardware would not be functional. Older Post Home. A set of exercises from a related course, and solutions to some of them. Write a Java program to print 'Hello' on screen and then print your name on a separate line. Initialize an int variable x to 10 and a char variable ch to 'y'. Chapter 7, Functional programming languages. This version is suitable for a CS1 course. Form elements allow you to elicit responses from the active learner by providing HTML documents with a variety of live entry or input elements e.
Question: Create a class called Invoice that a hardware store might use to represent an invoice for an item sold at the store. Write a Java program to print the sum of two numbers. Discover what a compiler is and what it does. Exercise 2. Solutions to these exercises are presented in this appendix. Chapter 3 Introduction to Parameters and Objects. The following supplements are available to all instructors and students using the textbook.
General Principles and Definitions. Moment Distribution for Beams. Stiffness-Factor Modifications. Moment Distribution for Frames: No Sidesway. Moment Distribution for Frames: Sidesway. Deflections of Nonprismatic Members. Slope-Deflection Equations for Nonprismatic Members. Truss Analysis Using the Stiffness Method. Fundamentals of the Stiffness Method.
Member Stiffness Matrix. Displacement and Force Transformation Matrices. Member Global Stiffness Matrix. Truss Stiffness Matrix. Application of the Stiffness Method for Truss Analysis. Nodal Coordinates. Space-Truss Analysis. Beam Analysis Using the Stiffness Method. Preliminary Remarks. Beam-Member Stiffness Matrix. Beam Stiffness Matrix.
Application of the Stiffness Method for Beam Analysis. Frame-Member Stiffness Matrix. Frame-Member Global Stiffness Matrix. Appendix A. Matrix Algebra for Structural Analysis. Basic Definitions and Types of Matrices. Matrix Operations. Inverse of a Matrix. Answers to Selected Problems.
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Page The rise of the multicore processor Page Implementing multitasking by using the Microsoft. NET Framework Page Tasks, threads, and the ThreadPool Page Creating, running, and controlling tasks Page Using the Task class to implement parallelism Page Abstracting tasks by using the Parallel class Page When not to use the Parallel class Page The mechanics of cooperative cancellation Page Chapter 24 Improving response time by performing asynchronous operations Page Defining asynchronous methods: The problem Page Defining asynchronous methods: The solution Page Defining asynchronous methods that return values Page Asynchronous method gotchas Page Tasks, memory allocation, and efficiency Page Synchronizing concurrent access to data Page Synchronization primitives for coordinating tasks Page The concurrent collection classes Page Using a concurrent collection and a lock to implement thread-safe data access Page Features of a Universal Windows Platform app Page Implementing a scalable user interface Page Applying styles to a UI Page Displaying data by using data binding Page Modifying data by using data binding Page Using data binding with a ComboBox control Page Creating a ViewModel Page Adding commands to a ViewModel Page Searching for data using Cortana Page Providing a vocal response to voice commands Page Retrieving data from a database Page Creating an entity model Page Reporting errors and updating the UI Page Index Page Code Snippets Page All rights reserved.
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All other marks are property of their respective owners. Warning and Disclaimer Every effort has been made to make this book as complete and as accurate as possible, but no warranty or fitness is implied. The author, the publisher, and Microsoft Corporation shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damages arising from the information contained in this book. Special Sales For information about buying this title in bulk quantities, or for special sales opportunities which may include electronic versions; custom cover designs; and content particular to your business, training goals, marketing focus, or branding interests , please contact our corporate sales department at [email protected] or For government sales inquiries, please contact [email protected] For questions about sales outside the U.
Using inheritance The System. Object class revisited Calling base-class constructors Assigning classes Declaring new methods Declaring virtual methods Declaring override methods Understanding protected access Creating extension methods Summary Quick reference Chapter 13 Creating interfaces and defining abstract classes Understanding interfaces Defining an interface Implementing an interface Referencing a class through its interface Working with multiple interfaces Explicitly implementing an interface Interface restrictions Defining and using interfaces Abstract classes Abstract methods Sealed classes Sealed methods Implementing and using an abstract class Summary Quick reference Chapter 14 Using garbage collection and resource management The life and times of an object Writing destructors Why use the garbage collector?
How does the garbage collector work? Using properties Read-only properties Write-only properties Property accessibility Understanding the property restrictions Declaring interface properties Replacing methods with properties Generating automatic properties Initializing objects by using properties Summary Quick reference Chapter 16 Handling binary data and using indexers What is an indexer?
Storing binary values Displaying binary values Manipulating binary values Solving the same problems using indexers Understanding indexer accessors Comparing indexers and arrays Indexers in interfaces Using indexers in a Windows application Summary Quick reference Chapter 17 Introducing generics The problem: Misusing with the object type The generics solution Generics vs.
The List collection class The LinkedList collection class The Queue collection class The Stack collection class The Dictionary collection class The SortedList collection class The HashSet collection class Using collection initializers The Find methods, predicates, and lambda expressions The forms of lambda expressions Comparing arrays and collections Using collection classes to play cards Summary Quick reference Chapter 19 Enumerating collections Enumerating the elements in a collection Manually implementing an enumerator Implementing the IEnumerable interface Implementing an enumerator by using an iterator A simple iterator Defining an enumerator for the Tree class by using an iterator Summary Quick reference Chapter 20 Decoupling application logic and handling events Understanding delegates Examples of delegates in the.
NET Framework class library The automated factory scenario Implementing the factory control system without using delegates Implementing the factory by using a delegate Declaring and using delegates Lambda expressions and delegates Creating a method adapter Enabling notifications by using events Declaring an event Subscribing to an event Unsubscribing from an event Raising an event Understanding user interface events Using events Summary Quick reference Chapter 21 Querying in-memory data by using query expressions What is LINQ?
The rise of the multicore processor Implementing multitasking by using the Microsoft. In those halcyon days, programming had a certain mystique, even glamour. Nowadays, in one form or another, the ability to write at least a little bit of code is fast becoming as much a requirement in many workplaces as the ability to read, write, or add up.
Thus cheered, I power up my laptop, my mind mocking the bygone era when such processing power could have navigated many hundreds of Apollo spacecraft simultaneously to the moon and back, and get down to work on the latest edition of this book!
Despite the fact that my name is on the cover, authoring a book such as this is far from a one-man project. First, Trina MacDonald at Person Education, who took on the role of prodding me into action and ever-so-gently tying me down to well-defined deliverables and hand-off dates. Without her initial impetus and cajoling, this project would not have got off the ground. Next, Rick Kughen, the tireless copy editor who ensured that my grammar remained at least semi-understandable, and picked up on the missing words and nonsense phrases in the text.
Then, David Franson, who had the unenviable task of testing the code and exercises. I know from experience that this can be a thankless and frustrating task at times, but the hours spent and the feedback that results can only make for a better book. Of course, any errors that remain are entirely my responsibility, and I am happy to listen to feedback from any reader. As ever, I must also thank Diana, my better half, who keeps me supplied with caffeine-laden hot drinks when deadlines are running tight.
Diana has been longsuffering and patient, and has so far survived my struggle through nine editions of this book; that is dedication well beyond the call of duty. She has recently taken up running. I assumed it was to keep fit, but I think it is more likely so she can get well away from the house and scream loudly without my hearing her! And lastly, to James and Frankie, who have both now flown the nest.
James is trying to avoid gaining a Yorkshire accent while living and working in Sheffield, but Frankie has remained closer to home so she can pop in and raid the kitchen from time to time. He also spends much of his time writing courseware for Microsoft, focusing on areas such as Data Science using R and Python, Big Data processing with Spark and CosmosDB, and scalable application architecture with Azure. Introduction Microsoft Visual C is a powerful but simple language aimed primarily at developers who create applications built on the Microsoft.
NET Framework. These features included support for named and optional arguments and the dynamic type, which indicates that the language runtime should implement late binding for an object. An important addition to the. NET Framework, and released concurrently with C 4. Using the TPL, you can build highly scalable applications that can take full advantage of multicore processors. These features include items such as string interpolation you need never use String. Format again!
For example, you can now implement property accessors as expression-bodied members, methods can return multiple values in the form of tuples, the use of out parameters has been simplified, and switch statements have been extended to support patternand type-matching. There are other updates as well, which are covered in this book. It goes without saying that Microsoft Windows 10 is an important platform for running C applications, but now you can also run code developed by using C on other operating systems, such as Linux, through the.
NET Core runtime. This opens up possibilities for writing code that can run in multiple environments. Additionally, Windows 10 supports highly interactive applications that can share data and collaborate as well as connect to services running in the cloud. The key notion in Windows 10 is Universal Windows Platform UWP apps—applications designed to run on any Windows 10 device, whether a fully fledged desktop system, a laptop, a tablet, or even an IoT Internet of Things device with limited resources.
Once you have mastered the core features of C , gaining the skills to build applications that can run on all these platforms is important. Voice activation is another feature that has come to the fore, and Windows 10 includes Cortana, your personal voice-activated digital assistant.
You can integrate your own apps with Cortana to allow them to participate in data searches and other operations. Also, the cloud has become such an important element in the architecture of many systems—ranging from large-scale enterprise applications to mobile apps running on portable devices—that I decided to focus on this aspect of development in the final chapter of the book.
The development environment provided by Visual Studio makes these features easy to use, and the many new wizards and enhancements included in the latest version of Visual Studio can greatly improve your productivity as a developer.
I hope you have as much fun working through this book as I had writing it! Who should read this book This book assumes that you are a developer who wants to learn the fundamentals of programming with C by using Visual Studio and the.
NET Framework version 4. By the time you complete this book, you will have a thorough understanding of C and will have used it to build responsive and scalable applications that can run on the Windows 10 operating system. Who should not read this book This book is aimed at developers new to C but not completely new to programming. As such, it concentrates primarily on the C language. This book is not intended to provide detailed coverage of the multitude of technologies available for building enterprise-level and global applications for Windows, such as ADO.
If you require more information on any of these items, you might consider reading some of the other titles available from Microsoft Press. Finding your best starting point in this book This book is designed to help you build skills in a number of essential areas. Use the following table to find your best starting point. If you are New to object-oriented programming Follow these steps 1.
Complete Part IV as your level of experience and interest dictates. Familiar with procedural programming languages, such as C, but new to C 1. Skim the first five chapters to get an overview of C and Visual Studio , and then concentrate on Chapters 6 through Skim the first seven chapters to get an overview of C and Visual Studio , and then concentrate on Chapters 8 through Switching from Visual Basic to C 1. Read the Quick Reference sections at the end of the chapters for information about specific C and Visual Studio constructs.
Referencing the book after working through the exercises 1. Use the index or the table of contents to find information about particular subjects. Read the Quick Reference sections at the end of each chapter to find a brief review of the syntax and techniques presented in the chapter. No matter which sections you choose to focus on, be sure to download and install the sample applications on your system.
Conventions and features in this book This book presents information by using conventions designed to make the information readable and easy to follow. Each exercise consists of a series of tasks, presented as numbered steps 1, 2, and so on listing each action you must take to complete the exercise.
Text that you type apart from code blocks appears in bold. System requirements You will need the following hardware and software to complete the practice exercises in this book: Windows 10 Home, Professional, Education, or Enterprise version or higher.
NET Core cross-platform development Note All the exercises and code samples in this book have been developed and tested using Visual Studio Community A computer that has a 1. You also need to enable developer mode on your computer to be able to create and run UWP apps.
Code samples Most of the chapters in this book include exercises with which you can interactively try out new material learned in the main text. If available, install the latest service packs for Windows and Visual Studio. Installing the code samples Follow these steps to install the code samples on your computer so that you can use them with the exercises in this book: 1.
If prompted, review the end-user license agreement. If you accept the terms, select the Accept option and then click Next. Using the code samples Each chapter in this book explains when and how to use the code samples for that chapter. Important Many of the code samples depend on NuGet packages that are not included with the code. These packages are downloaded automatically the first time you build a project.
As a result, if you open a project and examine the code before doing a build, Visual Studio might report a large number of errors for unresolved references. Building the project will resolve these references, and the errors should disappear.
In many cases, the exercises provide starter files and completed versions of the same projects that you can use as a reference. It steps through the creation of a simple program that displays a textbased greeting.
This project opens a window that prompts the user for his or her name and then displays a greeting. This project demonstrates how to declare variables by using each of the primitive types, how to assign values to these variables, and how to display their values in a window.
This project shows you how to define a method that takes optional parameters and call the method by using named arguments. This project shows you how to use a cascading if statement to implement complex logic, such as comparing the equivalence of two dates.
This simple program uses a switch statement to convert characters into their XML representations. This project demonstrates a while statement that reads the contents of a source file one line at a time and displays each line in a text box on a form. This project uses a do statement to convert a decimal number to its octal representation. This project revisits the MathsOperators project from Chapter 2 and shows how various unhandled exceptions can make the program fail. The try and catch keywords then make the application more robust so that it no longer fails.
This project covers the basics of defining your own classes, complete with public constructors, methods, and private fields. It also shows how to create class instances by using the new keyword and how to define static methods and fields. It demonstrates how to use the ref and out keywords. This project defines a struct type to represent a calendar date.
This project shows how to use arrays to model hands of cards in a card game. This project demonstrates how to use the params keyword to create a single method that can accept any number of int arguments. This project creates a simple hierarchy of vehicle classes by using inheritance. It also demonstrates how to define a virtual method.
This project shows how to create an extension method for the int type, providing a method that converts an integer value from base 10 to a different number base. This project implements part of a graphical drawing package.
The project uses interfaces to define the methods that drawing shapes expose and implement. GarbageCollectionDemo This project shows how to implement exceptionsafe disposal of resources by using the Dispose pattern. This project shows how to create automatic properties for a class and use them to initialize instances of the class. This solution shows you how to use generics to build a type-safe structure that can contain elements of any type.
This project demonstrates how to use generics to implement a type-safe method that can take parameters of any type.
This project updates the code from Chapter 10 to show how to use collections to model hands of cards in a card game. This project shows you how to implement the generic IEnumerator interface to create an enumerator for the generic Tree class.
This solution uses an iterator to generate an enumerator for the generic Tree class. This project shows how to decouple a method from the application logic that invokes it by using a delegate. The project is then extended to show how to use an event to alert an object to a significant occurrence, and how to catch an event and perform any processing required. This project defines a new type that models complex numbers and implements common operators for this type.
This project generates and displays a complex graph on a UWP form. It uses a single thread to perform the calculations. This version of the GraphDemo project uses the Parallel class to abstract out the process of creating and managing tasks.
This project shows how to implement cancellation to halt tasks in a controlled manner before they have completed. This application provides an example showing when you should not use the Parallel class to create and run tasks. This is a version of the GraphDemo project from Chapter 23 that uses the async keyword and the await operator to perform the calculations that generate the graph data asynchronously. This project uses a statistical sampling algorithm to calculate an approximation for pi.
It uses parallel tasks. The user interface applies XAML styling to change the fonts and background image displayed by the application. This is a version of the Customers project that uses data binding to display customer information retrieved from a data source in the user interface.
It also shows how to implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface so that the user interface can update customer information and send these changes back to the data source. This version of the Customers project separates the user interface from the logic that accesses the data source by implementing the Model-ViewViewModel pattern.
This project integrates the Customers app with Cortana. A user can issue voice commands to search for customers by name. This solution includes a web application that provides an ASP. The web service uses an entity model created with the Entity Framework to access the database. If you need additional support, email Microsoft Press Book Support at [email protected] Please note that product support for Microsoft software and hardware is not offered through the previous addresses.
Create a C console application. Explain the purpose of namespaces. Create a simple graphical C application. This chapter introduces Visual Studio , the programming environment and toolset designed to help you build applications for Microsoft Windows.
Visual Studio is the ideal tool for writing C code, and it provides many features that you will learn about as you progress through this book. In this chapter, you will use Visual Studio to build some simple C applications and get started on the path to building highly functional solutions for Windows. Beginning programming with the Visual Studio environment Visual Studio is a tool-rich programming environment containing the functionality that you need to create large or small C projects running on Windows.
In the first exercise, you will open the Visual Studio programming environment and learn how to create a console application. Note A console application is an application that runs in a Command Prompt window instead of providing a graphical user interface GUI. Create a console application in Visual Studio 1. Alternatively, you can click the Visual Studio icon on the Start menu.
Visual Studio starts and displays the Start page, similar to the following. Your Start page might be different, depending on the edition of Visual Studio you are using.
On the File menu, point to New, and then click Project. The New Project dialog box opens. This dialog box lists the templates that you can use as a starting point for building an application.
The dialog box categorizes templates according to the programming language you are using and the type of application. In the left pane, expand the Installed node if it is not already expanded , and then click Visual C. In the middle pane, verify that the combo box at the top of the pane displays. NET Framework 4. Note Make sure that you select Console App. NET Core. You use the. NET Core template for building portable applications that can also run on other operating systems, such as Linux.
NET Core applications do not provide the range of features available to the complete. Replace the text YourName in this path with your Windows username. Tip If the folder you specify does not exist, Visual Studio creates it for you. Visual Studio creates the project by using the Console Application template. You can use the keyboard or mouse to access the menus and commands, exactly as you can in all Windows-based programs.
The toolbar is located beneath the menu bar. It provides button shortcuts to run the most frequently used commands. The Code and Text Editor window, occupying the main part of the screen, displays the contents of source files. In a multifile project, when you edit more than one file, each source file has its own tab labeled with the name of the source file.
You can click the tab to bring the named source file to the foreground in the Code and Text Editor window. The Solution Explorer pane appears on the right side of the IDE, adjacent to the Code and Text Editor window: Solution Explorer displays the names of the files associated with the project, among other items. You can also double-click a file name in Solution Explorer to bring that source file to the foreground in the Code and Text Editor window.
Each application contains a single solution file. A solution can contain one or more projects, and Visual Studio creates the solution file to help organize these projects. Each project file references one or more files containing the source code and other artifacts for the project, such as graphics images. You must write all the source code in a single project in the same programming language.
In File Explorer, this file is actually called TestHello. If you expand it click the arrow next to Properties , you will see that it contains a file called AssemblyInfo.
You can specify additional attributes to modify the way in which the program runs. Explaining how to use these attributes is beyond the scope of this book. When your C code is compiled, it is converted into a library and given a unique name.
In the Microsoft. NET Framework, these libraries are called assemblies. Developers use assemblies to package useful functionality that they have written so that they can distribute it to other developers who might want to use these features in their own applications. If you expand the References folder, you will see the default set of references that Visual Studio adds to your project.
These assemblies provide access to many of the commonly used features of the. You will learn about many of these assemblies as you progress through the exercises in this book. It is optional, and it might not always be present.