If you insist on torrents use PureVPN to secure your connection with uTorrent guide here to avoid letters from copyright institutions. Download gitshell and run it. You will see this wizard. Uncheck these options Additional icons and Windows Explorer integration. You won't need them. You can uncheck the bottom ones as well. Now we need to tell SABnzbd where to find the file. Since I have SABnzbd doing different types of post processing, I create a folder and fill that folder with softlinks to the actual scripts.
Enter the path to the file we just edited:. Test and Save changes when done. And with that, you should be complete. Go into SickRage, add in TV directory where you keep or want to keep you media files, and start adding shows. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Did something here help you out? Then please help support the effort by buying one of my Python Boto3 Guides.
By mike September 12, - pm October 20, Linux Stuff. Disclaimer: This info is for educational purposes only. Use the nzb to download the item from a news server Manage the nzb and downloaded content so that files are renamed and copied to the correct folders automatically.
Watch for new episodes and download them when available. The service can run as this user with no extra privileges. Wherever you tell SickRage to download files using usenet or torrents, it is your SickRage monitor folder that you specify in the Post processing section.
Refer back to this diagram if you find it confusing. In this section you will configure how often SickRage looks for episodes, how it downloads and which search providers it will use.
If you have a usenet provider with a large retention like UsenetServer or Astraweb then put in for Usenet Retention. SickRage will ignore any release that contains phrases or words in the Ignored words list. Separate them with commas. If you want foreign content you will have to delete your language if it is in the list by default. SickRage will only download releases that contain a word or phrase in the Required Words list. Again separate them with commas. Enter tv in the Category column and enter a temporary path for SickRage to monitor for new downloads to process and rename.
Click Add. Make sure you do not have Sabnzbd sorting enabled for this category! Get your Sabnzbd API key first and copy it the the clipboard. Add your username and password, and your API key choose the category for tv you have created in Sabnzbd. You should see the Success notification pop up, if there is a problem make sure your API key was pasted in correctly.
It may also help to change localhost to the actual IP address of the Sabnzbd box. Click Settings and then Categories , scroll down to Category 2 called Series.
In Destdir set a temporary folder for SickRage to monitor and process new downloads. Click Save Changes. If you are interested in using torrents, click the Torrent Search tab.
I only use them for backlog searches. Note: The label system in uTorrent is quite buggy so I recommend using Transmission for Windows instead. Choose Advanced and then WebUI. Check Enable WebUI. Choose a username and password then check Alternative listening port and choose a port.
I've used We are going to create uTorrent labels as well so that it doesn't interfere with CouchPotato or other programs you have configured with uTorrent. Click Label in the left pane.
Check Use Label and Directory Rules. You should now see the tv Label added, create a directory by choosing tv from the dropdown menu in the bottom left. NB : it is a good idea to enable the label appending workaround for uTorrent outlined here. Choose uTorrent from the dropdown and enter the WebUI information you created in the previous step.
Add tv for the uTorrent Label and change the Seed time if you are on private trackers and need to seed. Leaving it at 0 lets uTorrent use its defaults. Scroll down and click the Test Connection button.
You should see the test has been successful.