Drupal 7 download file attach field

Here's the first problem we face. We don't have any way to contol the order of our taxonomy terms. Our training member wanted to take control of the ordering and sort these terms alphabetically. For example, you might want create a View showing the content that a user has created and show it on their profile.

In that instance, you would choose "User". Finally, we need to make sure that EVA will only pull in the terms that have been added to the content we're looking at. Otherwise, we'd end up with a very long list. Here's an alternate example of EVA in action. Hopefully I'll have that out by Christmas. Labels: chaos tools , controls , ctools , field extract.

Monday, 26 September Automatic file download. I have a personal project I'm working on which requires an automatic download link. You know the sort of thing - like you get on SourceForge: "Your file will download in x seconds". And then the file download dialog pops up. All the solutions for this are JavaScript - and if you want a countdown then JS is the way to go.

But I didn't want JavaScript. EDIT: Now out of beta. Fully implemented. I may get around to re-uploading it properly at some point but I can't wait any longer to get it out to you. So what does it do? For a start, this is only a developer's module. It does nothing by itself and should only be downloaded if requested by another module. But what it does do is provide a couple of functions that make it much easier to extract field data from entities.

The project page provides clear instructions on how to use it. Wednesday, 7 September Reducing the footprint. Sorry I haven't blogged in a while, I have been working very hard on commercial D7 sites in my day job but haven't really come across anything spectacularly D7 I wanted to talk about.

So here's something unspectacular but quite important, and applies almost as much to D6 as D7. Every module eats memory. Every x. So anything that can be done to reduce the files loaded size in this case can only be a good thing. Back in the day I wrote code for machines with K of memory of which 20K might be used for the screen, and another 32K for the OS - in those days you really had to think about keeping code as compact as possible.

Drupal uses hooks to gather information from modules, and then it stores this information in the database caches or other tables , after which it no longer calls these hooks - unless the caches get cleared and it has to build the information again. But these hooks need to be available in the x. Put a minimal hook in the x.

Like this: In x. But if it's a hook that's called infrequently it's definitely worth it. This is something I'd played with back in my D6 days but then stopped using. But then I saw another contributed module that was using it and thought "yep, I should be doing that".

So I am and here it is. This does not work for the majority of system modules because they use customised hook-calling methods. Only one system module - Tokens - has it defined so token code can be located in x. Which is handy. This is normally the user without attached fields, so if you need a field that has been attached Thursday, 9 June Contextual links. Today wasn't the first time I've had a fight with contextual links, but I decided that this time I would get to the bottom of why they are such a pain to implement.

What's a contextual link? But not taxonomy - however I'll get to that later. The idea behind a contextual link is as simple as it is useful. If you've viewing a node teaser somewhere on the page then, if you have the permissions, a little dropdown menu will be available that lets you edit that node. Or if it's a block you can configure the block. If it's a Views block you can either edit the view or configure the block.

And so on. But what if you want to add your own contextual links? If you are filling a custom block then it's not very hard. I had a situation where I displayed a block which contains some text pulled from a node - but the node can vary depending on the current setting of site taxonomy. I wanted to add a contextual link that would allow an administrator to edit the text. Click 'Add a new view' link In the drop-down list of 'display format', the 'Data Tables' can be found.

Choose 'Data Tables' as the format and add some content for the view You will see the paginated data table when you open the view on the front-end website. Labels: Modules. Thursday, 13 August Maxlength module used to set a limit and a counter for text related field.

Install and enable the module Go to the website and find the most recent stable version Install and enable the module Set the character limit for the text field of a node type which contains any content type, account type, etc. Monday, 10 August Field Permission Moudle used to set the permission of any field of both the entity type and the account settings. So remember to download the right version. It's not working for me, cause the composer manager module which the awssdk2 module depends on is not working with my drupal.

Enable S3 File System module. After installing it correctly, you just need to set the bucket name and amazon access keys and s3 will work. For a wizard form multiple step form , to make it more convenient for users we need to both pre-populate the fields and keep user-input information when user go back and forth.

Based on the aforementioned reasons, it's required to always remember to set default value for the fields. Otherwise, we might have to set the default values for all the fields all at once which is a quite boring work.

Pick the plan that best suits your business. There is no risk to you whatsoever. Once you have signed up, you are redirected to a secure questionnaire where you can provide us with all of the information we need to get started on your maintenance. Our developers will make a copy of your website and set it up on our development servers. We will then conduct an audit of the entire site.

During the audit, we make detailed notes that will result in to-do tickets for everything that needs to be addressed on your site. We will also note unique configurations or modules that we need to remember when doing your core and module updates. Once you submit your order, you will be redirected to our client onboarding questionnaire. Once we have received your completed questionnaire, we will contact you to set up an introductory call with your project manager to exchange credentials.

Tell us about your bugs and issues. Need to update some content, create a blog post, update some files, or fix an old form? After that we will get our hands dirty with a hands-on tutorial on creating content and content types using the default content types in Drupal. We will go even further to create our own custom content types and add more content by using these custom content types to create a website.

Sounds cool! Let's get started! This book will show you how to create a website using Drupal 7 and Fields. Instead of explaining how the Fields module works in theory, we will learn about it by creating a fictional project. We will guide you through the complete project by following a set of steps or tasks, and thus you will learn:.

How to use the image field to provide image uploading, extension validation, and image processing functionality to the website. You also have a choice of downloading the final project file from www. Alternatively, you can compare your project with the final project if you have any problem while following the book. The website that we are going to build in this book is a cooking website filled with recipes. Let's take a look at some of the most important sections the website has, before starting the project.

This is the homepage of the cooking website; it shows a list of the latest content uploaded to the site. This website is composed of a mixture of content types like Article, Recipe, and Cooking Tip.

Each content type contains various field types and configurations. We will show you how to create these content types in this chapter, and then we will create custom fields in Chapter 2. The preceding screenshot shows the Article content type which is one of the default content types that comes with Drupal.

This means that it has some fields already created for us such as Title, Body, image, and Tag fields, by default. The screenshot shows the Article content type in teaser view mode such as you would get in a listing format. Furthermore, as you can see, the body text is positioned on the right side of the image.

The default layout is body text below the image, but we will use CSS to manipulate the teaser view mode layout to a different position. We will guide you on how to do this by theming fields in Chapter 9.

The site administrators or authors users with permissions to create article content will use this content type to create cooking articles for the website. The preceding screenshot depicts the Cooking Tip content type that is one of the custom content types we will create in this book. We will see all these fields in detail later.

We will also use the Field UI to manage the field displays and change their order. The preceding screenshot is of the Recipe content type. It is another custom content type we are going to create. This content type contains more fields than the others. The Recipe content type is similar to the Cooking Tip content type , but it has a special field type, which is list, and we will create the Difficulty field by using this field type to define the difficulty level of a recipe.

The site administrators or authors can create a recipe using this content type, and indicate the difficulty level of a recipe on the website. We will do some advanced theming for the Recipe content type to look like the preceding screenshot.

As you can see, we will change the body field position to the left of the page, and position the Difficulty level and the Recipe Category term reference field to the right, so people may find it easier to look at both information in different boxes at the center of the page. If the body field has got a lot of information, it is more difficult for users to find the difficulty level and the recipe category information.

We will guide you on how to theme fields in Chapter 9. There is a file field created in the recipe content type, which allows the site administrators or authors to upload PDF versions of recipes or other materials such as wallpapers and coupons. Most of the time there is a need for more than one type of content on a website.

We usually see a newspaper website that contains news, pictures, videos, and forums sections. In terms of Drupal, a node is a piece of content, and every piece of content belongs to a unique content type, a content type that can contain various configurations and settings to define its own composition and behavior.

It is similar to a pancake maker, we set up a pancake maker to make a red bean pancake. Once we turn it on, it will keep making the same type of red bean pancake again and again.


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