Ansi neta ats 2017 pdf download

Mida la resistencia de cada fusible de potencia del protector. Verifique que el actuador se restablece correctamente. Realice las pruebas operacionales. La resistencia de aislamiento de los componentes del protector debe estar de acuerdo con la Tabla En la ausencia de los datos publicados por el fabricante, compare la resistencia de contactos a los polos adyacentes o los protectores similares.

La resistencia de fusibles de potencia debe ser evaluada con una base comparativa. Apriete las conexiones de la caja. Inspeccione la tapa por la empaquetadura correcta de sellado.

El vidrio de la tapa limpio. Inspeccione el enrollamiento del resorte. Inspeccione disco y contactos por la libertad de movimiento y la carrera correcta. Verifique el ajuste del montaje del equipo y las conexiones. Contactos pulidos. Verifique el funcionamiento de todos los indicadores de diodos que emiten luz. Afine el contraste de la pantalla de lecturas de cristal liquido. El Funcionamiento funcional 1.

Determine el tiempo retraso. Determine el desplazamiento. Determine el tiempo de retraso. Determine la zona de cierre. Determine el retardo de cada unidad. Determine el nivel de alarma de secuencia negativa y disparo. Verifique dos puntos sobre la curva I2 2t.

Verifique el disparo de secuencia negativa. Determine el retardo. Determine la resistencia de disparo. Determine la resistencia de restablecimiento. Determine la corriente de retardo. Determine la salida. Determine los tiempos de retrasos en dos puntos de la curva corriente - tiempo. Verifique el funcionamiento del sello 63 FPX en el circuito. Verifique el circuito de disparo para un disyuntor remoto. Determine la corriente de retardo de la unidad de sobre- corriente.

Determine el tiempo de retraso en la unidad de sobre-corriente en dos puntos de la curva corriente tiempo. Determine el tiempo de restablecimiento. Verifique los puntos de ajuste de frecuencia. Determine la corriente de retardo de sobre-corriente. Determine la pendiente. Cuando no hay otros valores especificados, use las tolerancias recomendadas por el fabricante.

Verifique que existen los espacios libres adecuados entre el bobinado primario y el secundario. Verifique que todas las conexiones a tierra y cortocircuitos proveen contacto. Realice la prueba de resistencia de aislamiento en el transformador de corriente y bobinado a tierra a Voltios CD.

Realice una prueba de polaridad en cada transformador de corriente. La medida la corriente de carga en los terminales del transformador y determine la carga total.

Las tensiones de prueba deben estar de acuerdo con las Tablas Realice la prueba de resistencia de aislamiento bobinado a bobinado y cada bobinado a tierra. Las tensiones de prueba deben ser aplicadas por un minuto de acuerdo con la Tabla El nivel de exactitud debe estar dentro del 0. Verifique todos los multiplicadores del instrumento. Inspeccione el registrador de impacto antes de descargar el regulador, si es aplicable.

Verifique el funcionamiento del dispositivo auxiliar. Mida resistencia de todos los taps en los bobinados de carga. Realice pruebas especiales y ajustes como lo recomienda el fabricante.

Verifique que el indicador identifica todas las posiciones de taps correctamente. El valor de la resistencia de aislamiento por un minuto no debe ser menor que los valores recomendados en la Tabla Se indican los valores representativos en la Tabla Investigue cualquier resultado de la prueba de perdida de potencia de anillo caliente excede los datos publicados por el fabricante del equipo de prueba.

Compare la resistencia del bobinado con los pasos adyacentes y los reguladores similares. Investigue cualquier valor que exceda los datos publicados por el fabricante. Realice una prueba de resistencia de aislamiento bobinado a bobinado y bobinado a tierra de acuerdo con la Tabla Cargadores de Tap con Carga 1.

Inspeccione el registrador de impacto, si es aplicable. Investigue los valores de la resistencia de punto a punto que excedan los 0. Verifique que los conductores conectados a tierra no atraviesen los sensores de secuencia cero. Verifique el funcionamiento correcto de todas las funciones del tablero de prueba. Verifique que el transformador de potencia de mando tiene la capacidad adecuada para el sistema.

Para sistemas de tipo completo que utilizan transformadores de corriente de fase y neutro, verifique las polaridades correctas aplicando corriente a cada par de transformadores de corriente de fase - neutro. Verifique capacidad de bloqueo de sistemas de enclavamiento de zona.

Motores 1. Motores de CA 1. Cuando sea aplicable, realice pruebas especiales como el espacio para el paso del aire y alineamiento del pedestal. Realice la prueba de resistencia de aislamiento en el pedestal de acuerdo con los datos publicados por el fabricante. Verifique que el calentador del motor este operativo. Trace la amplitud contra la frecuencia. Corriente con el rotor bloqueado. Valores de la prueba 1. Los resultados de prueba de resistencia de aislamiento deben cumplir con los valores enlistados en la Tabla Si los bobinados de fase pueden probarse separadamente, los valores de corriente fuga pueden compararse con los de bobinados similares.

Motores de CD 1. Inspeccione las escobillas y el soporte de las escobillas. Compare con los datos de placa. Arrancadores de Motor 1. Pruebas de aislamiento 1. Mida la resistencia de aislamiento de cada circuito de control a tierra. Realice pruebas operacionales comenzando con los dispositivos de control. Los valores de resistencia de aislamiento deben estar de acuerdo con la Tabla Inspeccione los contactores. Mida la resistencia de ruptura del bobinado. Mida la resistencia de los fusibles de potencia.

Confirme el nivel de corriente de retardo y la demora de tiempo. Valores de resistencia de aislamiento menores que esta Tabla o los datos del fabricante deben investigarse. Compare la resistencia de contacto y de bobinado con los polos adyacentes y los contactores similares. Centros de Control de Motor 1. Verifique presencia de supresores de llama. Verifique existencia de equipo para lavar ojos adecuadamente. Verifique todas las funciones del cargador y las alarmas.

Realice la prueba de impedancia de celda. Las tensiones en las celdas deben estar dentro de 0. Cargadores - Reservado 3.

Use los valores recomendados por el fabricante o la Tabla Condensadores 1. Mida la el capacitancia de todas las combinaciones terminales.

Mida la resistencia de las resistencias de descarga interiores. Test duration shall be one minute. Perform electrical tests on instrument transformers in accordance with Section 7.

Perform ground—resistance tests in accordance with Section 7. Determine accuracy of all meters and calibrate watthour meters in accordance with Section 7. Control Power Transformers 1. Perform insulation-resistance tests. Perform measurements from winding-to-winding and each winding-to-ground. Verify correct function of control transfer relays located in switchgear with multiple power sources. Perform system function tests in accordance with Section 8.

Test Values 3. Compare bolted connection resistance values to values of similar connections. Investigate values which deviate from those of similar bolted connections by more than 50 percent of the lowest value. Results of the thermographic survey shall be in accordance with Section 9.

Dielectric withstand voltage tests should not proceed until insulation-resistance levels are raised above minimum values. If no evidence of distress or insulation failure is observed by the end of the total time of voltage application during the test, the test dielectric withstand voltage specimen is considered to have passed the test.

Minimum insulation-resistance values of control wiring should be comparable to previously obtained results but not less than two megohms. Results of electrical tests on instrument transformers should be in accordance with Section 7.

Results of ground resistance tests should be in accordance with Section 7. Accuracy of meters should be in accordance with Section 7. Control transfer relays should perform as designed. Heaters should be operational. Results of system function tests shall be in accordance with Section 8. Visual and Mechanical Inspection. Inspect physical and mechanical condition.

Inspect anchorage, alignment, and grounding. Use a of low-resistance ohmmeter in accordance with Section 7. Verify that as-left tap connections are as specified. Perform resistance measurements through bolted connections with a low-resistance ohmmeter, if applicable, in accordance with Section 7.

Perform insulation-resistance tests winding-to-winding and each winding-to-ground. Calculate the dielectric absorption ratio or polarization index. Perform turns-ratio tests at the designated tap position. Tap connections are left as found unless otherwise specified. Compare bolted electrical connection resistances to values of similar connections. The dielectric absorption ratio or polarization index shall be compared to previously obtained results and should not be less than 1.

Turns-ratio test results should not deviate more than one-half percent from either the adjacent coils or the calculated ratio. Inspect physical and mechanical condition including evidence of moisture and corona. Verify that control and alarm settings on temperature indicators are as specified. Verify that cooling fans operate correctly. Perform specific inspections and mechanical tests as recommended by the manufacturer.

Verify the presence of surge arresters. Calculate polarization index. Perform a power-factor or dissipation-factor tip-up test on windings rated greater than 2. Perform an excitation-current test on each phase. Measure the resistance of each winding at the designated tap position. Measure core insulation resistance at volts dc if the core is insulated and if the core ground strap is removable. Perform an applied voltage test on all high- and low-voltage windings-to-ground.

Verify correct secondary voltage phase-to-phase and phase-to-neutral after energization and prior to loading. Test surge arresters in accordance with Section 7. Cooling fans should operate. Tap connections shall be left as found unless otherwise specified. The polarization index shall be compared to previously obtained results and should not be less than 1. CH and CL power-factor or dissipation-factor values will vary due to support insulators and bus work utilized on dry transformers.

The following should be expected on CHL power factors: Power transformers: 2. Power-factor or dissipation-factor tip-up exceeding 1. The typical excitation current test data pattern for a three-legged core transformer is two similar current readings and one lower current reading.

Temperature-corrected winding-resistance values should compare within one percent of previously-obtained results. Core insulation-resistance values should be comparable to previously-obtained results but not less than one megohm at volts dc. AC dielectric withstand test voltage shall not exceed 65 percent of factory test voltage for one minute duration. If no evidence of distress or insulation failure is observed by the end of the total time of voltage application during the dielectric withstand voltage test, the test specimen is considered to have passed the test.

Phase-to-phase and phase-to-neutral secondary voltages should be in agreement with nameplate data. Test results for surge arresters shall be in accordance with Section 7. Verify the presence of PCB labeling, if applicable. Clean bushings and control cabinets.

Verify operation of alarm, control, and trip circuits from temperature and level indicators, pressure relief device, and fault pressure relay, if applicable. Verify correct liquid level in tanks and bushings. Verify that positive pressure is maintained on gas-blanketed transformers. Perform inspections and mechanical tests as recommended by the manufacturer. Test load tap-changer in accordance with Section 7. Verify the presence of transformer surge arresters. Verify de-energized tap-changer position is left as specified.

Perform insulation-resistance tests, winding-to-winding and each winding-to-ground. Perform power-factor or dissipation-factor tests on each bushing. If the core ground strap is accessible, remove and measure the core insulation resistance at volts dc. Measure the percentage of oxygen in the gas blanket, if applicable. The sample shall be tested for the following.

Required on 25 kV or higher voltages and on all silicone-filled units. Test the instrument transformers in accordance with Section 7. Test the surge arresters in accordance with Section 7. Test the transformer neutral grounding impedance devices, if applicable. Liquid levels in the transformer tanks and bushings should be within indicated tolerances.

Positive pressure should be indicated on pressure gauge for gas-blanketed transformers. Turns-ratio test results should not deviate by more than one-half percent from either the adjacent coils or the calculated ratio.

Representative values are indicated in Table Investigate bushing power-factor and capacitance values that vary from nameplate values by more than ten percent.

Typical excitation-current test data pattern for a three-legged core transformer is two similar current readings and one lower current reading. Temperature corrected winding-resistance values should compare within one percent of previously obtained results. Core insulation values should be comparable to previously obtained results but not less than one megohm at volts dc.

Investigate the presence of oxygen in the nitrogen gas blanket. Insulating liquid values should be in accordance with Table Results of electrical tests on instrument transformers shall be in accordance with Section 7.

Results of surge arrester tests shall be in accordance with Section 7. Compare grounding impedance device values to previously obtained results. Inspect exposed sections of cables for physical damage and evidence of overheating. Inspect compression-applied connectors for correct cable match and indentation. Perform an insulation-resistance test on each conductor with respect to ground and adjacent conductors.

The test duration shall be one minute. Verify uniform resistance of parallel conductors. Insulation-resistance values should be comparable to previously obtained results and similar circuits but not less than two megohms. Deviations in resistance between parallel conductors shall be investigated.

Inspect exposed sections of cables for physical damage and evidence of overheating and corona. Inspect terminations and splices for physical damage, evidence of overheating, and corona. Inspect shield grounding and cable support. Inspect fireproofing in common cable areas. If cables are terminated through window-type current transformers, inspect to verify that neutral and ground conductors are correctly placed and that shields are correctly terminated for operation of protective devices.

Perform an insulation-resistance test individually on each conductor with all other conductors and shields grounded. Perform a shield-continuity test on each power cable by ohmmeter method. It is only after careful analysis of all circuit parameters between the testing entity and the cable owner that a preferred testing method should be selected. In accordance with ICEA, IEC, IEEE and other power cable consensus standards, testing can be performed by means of direct current, power frequency alternating current, or very low frequency alternating current.

These sources may be used to perform insulation withstand tests, and diagnostic tests such as partial discharge analysis, and power factor or dissipation factor. The selection can only be made after an evaluation of the available test methods and a review of the installed cable system. Direct current DC dielectric withstand voltage 2. Very low frequency VLF dielectric withstand voltage 3.

Very low frequency VLF 2. DC insulation resistance 3. Partial discharge 1. Off line 1. The minimum bend radius to which insulated cables may be bent for permanent training shall be in accordance with Table Shielding shall exhibit continuity. Investigate resistance values in excess of ten ohms per feet of cable. Inspect and clean ventilating openings.

Perform resistance measurements through bolted connections and bus joints with a low- resistance ohmmeter, if applicable, in accordance with Section 7. Perform insulation resistance tests on each busway for one minute, phase-to-phase and phase- to-ground.

Where no dc test value is shown in Table Perform a contact-resistance test on each connection point of uninsulated busway.

On insulated busway, measure resistance of assembled busway sections and compare values with the adjacent phases. Verify operation of busway space heaters. Minimum resistance values are for a nominal foot busway run. Dielectric withstand voltage tests shall not proceed until insulation-resistance levels are raised above minimum values. Inspect anchorage, alignment, grounding, and required clearances.

Verify correct blade alignment, blade penetration, travel stops, and mechanical operation. Verify that fuse sizes and types are in accordance with drawings, short-circuit study, and coordination study. Verify that each fuse has adequate mechanical support and contact integrity. Verify operation and sequencing of interlocking systems.

Verify phase-barrier mounting is intact. Verify correct operation of indicating and control devices. Measure contact resistance across each switchblade and fuseholder. Perform insulation-resistance tests for one minute on each pole, phase-to-phase and phase-to- ground with switch closed and across each open pole. Measure fuse resistance. Verify cubicle space heater operation. Perform a ground-fault test in accordance with Section 7. Perform tests on other protective devices in accordance with Section 7.

Investigate fuse-resistance values that deviate from each other by more than 15 percent. Ground fault tests should be in accordance with Section 7. Results of protective device tests should be in accordance with Section 7.

Verify correct blade alignment, blade penetration, travel stops, arc interrupter operation, and mechanical operation. Verify that fuse sizes and types are in accordance with drawings, short-circuit studies, and coordination study. Verify that expulsion-limiting devices are in place on all fuses having expulsion-type elements.

Verify that each fuseholder has adequate mechanical support and contact integrity. Verify that phase-barrier mounting is intact.

Verify correct operation of all indicating and control devices. Measure contact resistance across each switchblade assembly and fuseholder. Perform a dielectric withstand voltage test on each pole with switch closed. Test each pole-to- ground with all other poles grounded.

Investigate fuse resistance values that deviate from each other by more than 15 percent. Prior to cleaning insulators, perform as-found tests, if required. Clean the insulators. Verify correct operation and adjustment of motor operator limit switches and mechanical interlocks, if applicable.

Record as-found and as-left operation counter readings. Perform a contact-resistance test across each switchblade and fuseholder. Perform insulation-resistance tests on all control wiring with respect to ground. Operation counter should advance one digit per close-open cycle. Verify that each fuseholder has adequate mechanical support and contact integrity, if applicable. Verify that fuse sizes and types are in accordance with drawings, short circuit studies, and coordination study.

Test all electrical and mechanical interlock systems for correct operation and sequencing. Verify that insulating oil level is correct. Record as-found and as-left operation counter readings, if applicable. Perform insulation-resistance tests for one minute on each pole, phase-to-phase and phase-to- ground with the switch closed, and across each open pole.

Sample shall be tested in accordance with the referenced standard. Operations counter should advance one digit per close-open cycle. Insulation-resistance values of control wiring should be comparable to previously obtained results but not less than two megohms. Insulating liquid test results should be in accordance with Table Measure critical distances on operating mechanism as recommended by the manufacturer.

Use of a low-resistance ohmmeter. See Section 7. Inspect insulating assemblies for evidence of physical damage or contaminated surfaces. Verify that each fuseholder has adequate support and contact integrity. Verify that insulating oil level is correct, if applicable. Perform resistance measurements through bolted electrical connections with a low-resistance ohmmeter, if applicable.

Perform insulation-resistance tests for one minute on each pole, phase-to-phase and phase-to- ground with switch closed, and across each open pole. The sample shall be tested in accordance with the referenced standard. Verify open and close operation from control devices, if applicable. If no evidence of distress or insulation failure is observed by the end of the total time of voltage application during the vacuum bottle integrity test, the test specimen is considered to have passed the test.

Results of open and close operation from control devices should be in accordance with system design. Prior to cleaning the unit, perform as-found tests, if applicable. Verify correct operation of SF6 gas pressure alarms and limit switches, if applicable, as recommended by the manufacturer. Measure critical distances as recommended by the manufacturer. Perform resistance measurements through accessible bolted electrical connections with a low- resistance ohmmeter, if applicable.

Perform a contact-resistance test. Remove a sample of SF6 gas and test in accordance with Table Results of SF6 gas tests should be in accordance with Table Inspect anchorage, alignment, and grounding, if applicable.

Prior to cleaning the unit, perform as-found tests. Verify correct blade alignment, blade penetration, travel stops, latching mechanism, and mechanical operation. Verify that fuse size and types are in accordance with drawings, short-circuit study, and coordination study. Measure contact resistance across each cutout. Perform a dielectric withstand voltage test on each pole, phase to ground with cutout closed. Ground adjacent cutouts, if applicable.

Inspect anchorage and alignment. Operate the circuit breaker to insure smooth operation. Inspect operating mechanism, contacts, and arc chutes in unsealed units. Perform adjustments for final protective device settings in accordance with coordination study provided by end user. Perform insulation-resistance tests for one minute on each pole, phase-to-phase and phase-to- ground with the circuit breaker closed, and across each open pole.

Determine long-time pickup and delay by primary current injection. Determine short-time pickup and delay by primary current injection. Determine ground-fault pickup delay by primary current injection.

Determine instantaneous pickup current by primary injection. Test functions of the trip unit by means of secondary injection. Perform minimum pickup voltage test on shunt trip and close coils in accordance with Table Verify correct operation of auxiliary features such as trip and pickup indicators, zone interlocking, electrical close and trip operation, trip-free, antipump function, and trip unit battery condition.

Reset all trip logs and indicators. Verify operation of charging mechanism. Settings shall comply with coordination study recommendations. Breaker open, close, trip, trip-free, antipump, and auxiliary features should function as designed. Trip logs and indicators are reset. Verify that all maintenance devices are available for servicing and operating the breaker.

Inspect arc chutes. Inspect moving and stationary contacts for condition, wear, and alignment. Verify that primary and secondary contact wipe and other dimensions vital to satisfactory operation of the breaker are correct. Verify cell fit and element alignment. Verify racking mechanism operation. Determine ground-fault pickup and delay by primary current injection. Determine instantaneous pickup current by primary current injection.

Perform operator analysis first-trip test. Inspect puffer operation. Perform time-travel analysis. Record as-found and as-left operation-counter readings. Perform resistance measurements through bolted connections with a low-resistance ohmmeter, if applicable.

With the breaker in a test position, perform the following tests: 1. Trip and close breaker with the control switch. Trip breaker by operating each of its protective relays. Verify mechanism charge, trip-free, and antipump functions. Perform minimum pickup voltage tests on trip and close coils in accordance with Table Perform power-factor or dissipation-factor tests with breaker in both the open and closed positions.

Perform a dielectric withstand voltage test on each phase with the circuit breaker closed and the poles not under test grounded. Verify blowout coil circuit continuity. Verify operation of cubicle space heaters, if applicable. Test instrument transformers in accordance with Section 7. In the absence of manufacturer's published data, compare first-trip operation time and trip- coil current waveform to previously obtained results.

Breaker mechanism charge, close, open, trip, trip-free, and antipump features shall function as designed. Power-factor or dissipation-factor and capacitance values should be within ten percent of nameplate rating for bushings. If no evidence of distress or insulation failure is observed by the end of the total time of voltage application during the dielectric withstand voltage test, the circuit breaker is considered to have passed the test.

The blowout coil circuit should exhibit continuity. Cubicle space heaters should be operational. The results of instrument transformer tests shall be in accordance with Section 7. Verify that maintenance devices are available for servicing and operating the breaker. Verify correct oil level in tanks and bushings. Verify that breather vents are clear. If performing internal inspection: 1. Remove oil. Lower tanks or remove manhole covers as necessary. Inspect bottom of tank for broken parts and debris and clean carbon residue from tank.

Inspect lift rod and toggle assemblies, contacts, interrupters, bumpers, dashpots, bushing current transformers, tank liners, and gaskets. Refill tank s with filtered oil to correct levels. Inspect all bolted electrical connections for high resistance using one or more of the following methods: 1. Verify cell fit and element alignment, if applicable.

Verify racking mechanism operation, if applicable. Perform resistance measurements through all bolted connections with a low-resistance ohmmeter, if applicable, in accordance with Section 7. Perform insulation-resistance tests for one minute on each pole, phase-to-phase and phase-to- ground with circuit breaker closed, and across each open pole.

With breaker in a test position, make the following tests: 1. Verify trip-free and antipump functions. Perform power-factor or dissipation-factor tests on each pole with the breaker open and each phase with the breaker closed. Determine tank loss index. Verify operation of heaters. Test instrument transformers in accordance Section 7.

Inspect vacuum bottle assemblies. Measure critical distances such as contact gap as recommended by the manufacturer. Inspect vacuum bellows operation. Perform insulation-resistance tests for one minute on each pole, phase-to-phase and phase-to- ground with circuit breaker closed and across each pole with the breaker open.

With breaker in a test position, perform the following tests: 1. Verify operation of heaters, if applicable. Results of instrument transformer tests shall be in accordance with Section 7. When provisions are made for sampling, remove a sample of SF6 gas and test in accordance with Table Do not break seal or distort sealed-for-life interrupters.

Perform insulation-resistance tests for one minute on each pole, phase-to-phase and phase-to- ground with breaker closed, and across each open pole.

For single-tank breakers, perform insulation resistance tests from pole-to-pole. Perform power-factor or dissipation-factor tests on each pole with the breaker open and on each phase with breaker closed. SF6 gas should have values in accordance with Table Results of the SF6 gas leak test should confirm that no SF6 gas leak exists. Power-factor or dissipation-factor and capacitance test values should be within ten percent of nameplate rating for bushings. Perform all mechanical operational tests on both the circuit switcher and its operating mechanism.

Test all interlocking systems for correct operation and sequencing. Verify all indicating and control devices for correct separation. Perform resistance measurements through all connections with a low-resistance ohmmeter, if applicable, in accordance with Section 7. Perform contact-resistance tests of interrupters and isolating switches. Perform insulation-resistance tests on each pole, phase-to-ground.

Verify correct operation of auxiliary features such as electrical close and trip operation, trip- free, and antipump function. Trip circuit switcher by operation of each protective device.

Verify correct operation of electrical trip of interrupters. Interlocking systems should operate per system lockout design. Switcher mechanism charge, close, open, trip, trip-free, and antipump features shall function as designed. Electrical trip interrupters shall function as designed.

If no evidence of distress or insulation failure is observed by the end of the total time of voltage application during the dielectric withstand voltage test, the circuit switcher is considered to have passed the test. Network Protectors, Volt Class 1. Verify that maintenance devices are available for servicing and operating the protector. Perform mechanical operator and contact alignment tests on both the protector and its operating mechanism.

Network Protectors, Volt Class continued Record the as-found and as-left operations counter readings. Perform insulation-resistance tests for one minute on each pole, phase-to-phase and phase-to- ground with protector closed, and across each open pole.

Perform insulation-resistance test on all control wiring with respect to ground. Verify current transformer ratios in accordance with Section 7. Measure the resistance of each protector power fuse. Measure minimum pickup voltage of the motor control relay. Verify that the motor can charge the closing mechanism at the minimum voltage specified by the manufacturer.

Measure minimum pickup voltage of the trip actuator. Verify that the actuator resets correctly. Calibrate the network protector relays in accordance with Section 7. Perform operational tests. Verify correct operation of all mechanical and electrical interlocks.

Verify trip-free operation. Verify correct operation of the auto-open-close control handle. Verify the protector will close with voltage on the transformer side only. Verify the protector will open when the source feeder breaker is opened. Network Protectors, Volt Class continued 3. Results of current transformer ratios shall be in accordance with Section 7.

Minimum acceptable motor closing voltage should not exceed 75 percent of rated control circuit voltage. Network Protectors, Volt Class continued 9. Calibration should not exceed 7. Results of network protector relays should be in accordance with Section 7.

Network protector operation should be in accordance with design requirements. Inspect relays and cases for physical damage. Relay Case 1. Tighten case connections. Inspect cover for correct gasket seal. Clean cover glass. Remove any foreign material from the case. Verify target reset 5. Relay 1. Inspect relay for foreign material, particularly in disk slots of the damping and electromagnets.

Verify disk clearance. Verify contact clearance and spring bias. Inspect spiral spring convolutions. Inspect disk and contacts for freedom of movement and correct travel. Verify tightness of mounting hardware and connections. It is taught in Lab One 1, one of our fleet of mobile electrical training centers and is set up specifically for maintaining and testing electrical equipment. Stored throughout the lab are three phase transformers, motors, circuit breakers, cables and other equipment.

Students learn the failure modes of all of this equipment and each team of two students tests and analyzes the results on their own test specimens. Participants will be involved in a combination of classroom and hands-on labs which they can then apply to their own testing and maintenance programs.

These are pictures of the interior of our Lab One 1; the left picture is a view from the entrance. Neta Ats Testing Standards ivmarkt.

Aug at pm. My brother is starting his job as an electrician soon and I want to give him some helpful. Search for your solution. A recommended standard for independent testing of an electrical system in a structure such as a hospital, data center or laboratory.

View the most recent version. Click here to purchase the full version from the ANSI store. List of ebooks and manuels about Neta standard for maintenance testing specifications. In the absence of this informatio Power. In matters of testing electrical equipment and systems Acceptance Testing. The testing organization shall be a current NETA-accredited company.


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