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User icon An illustration of a person's head and chest. Sign up Log in. Web icon An illustration of a computer application window Wayback Machine Texts icon An illustration of an open book. Books Video icon An illustration of two cells of a film strip.

Video Audio icon An illustration of an audio speaker. Maybe God created the desert so that man could appreciate the date trees, he thought. He decided to concentrate on more practical mat- ters. He knew that in the caravan there was a man to whom he was to teach some of his secrets. The omens had told him so. He hoped that it would be someone as capable as his previous apprentice. He had only one explanation for this fact: things have to be transmitted this way because they were made up from the pure life, and this kind of life cannot be captured in pictures or words.

Because people become fascinated with pictures and words, and wind up forgetting the Language of the World. They were surrounded by children, curious to look at the animals and people that were arriving. The silence of the desert was a distant dream; the travelers in the caravan were talking inces- santly, laughing and shouting, as if they had emerged from the spiritual world and found themselves once again in the world of people.

They were relieved and happy. They had been taking careful precautions in the desert, but the camel driver explained to the boy that oases were always considered to be neutral territories, because the majority of the inhabitants were women and children. There were oases throughout the desert, but the tribesmen fought in the desert, leaving the oases as places of refuge.

Since they were visitors, they would have to share living space with those who lived there, and would be given the best accommodations. That was the law of hospitality. Then he asked that everyone, including his own sentinels, hand over their arms to the men appointed by the tribal chieftains.

Meanwhile, the boy thought about his treasure. In his pursuit of the dream, he was being con- stantly subjected to tests of his persistence and courage. So he could not be hasty, nor impatient.

If he pushed forward impulsively, he would fail to see the signs and omens left by God along his path. God placed them along my path. He had surprised himself with the thought. Until then, he had con- sidered the omens to be things of this world. He had never thought of them in terms of a language used by God to indicate what he should do.

They were people of the desert, and clamored to hear his stories about the great cities. The boy told them about his life as a shepherd, and was about to tell them of his experiences at the crystal shop when the Englishman came into the tent. An al- chemist would probably live in a manner that was dif- ferent from that of the rest of the people at the oasis, and it was likely that in his tent an oven was continu- ously burning.

They searched everywhere, and found that the oasis was much larger than they could have imagined; there were hundreds of tents. He should respect tradition. The Englishman was disappointed.

It seemed he had made the long journey for nothing. The boy was also saddened; his friend was in pursuit of his Personal Leg- end.

Maybe no one here knows what an alchemist is! Then a man approached. Another man appeared. He was older, and was carrying a small bucket. The boy repeated his question. Only when he consents. Then leave with the caravan. But the Englishman was exultant. They were on the right track. Finally, a young woman approached who was not dressed in black. The boy approached her to ask about the al- chemist.

At that moment, it seemed to him that time stood still, and the Soul of the World surged within him. When he looked into her dark eyes, and saw that her lips were poised between a laugh and silence, he learned the most important part of the language that all the world spoke—the language that everyone on earth was capable of understanding in their heart. It was love. Something older than humanity, more ancient than the desert. Something that exerted the same force whenever two pairs of eyes met, as had theirs here at the well.

She smiled, and that was certainly an omen—the omen he had been awaiting, without even knowing he was, for all his life. It was the pure Language of the World. It required no explanation, just as the universe needs none as it travels through endless time.

What the boy felt at that moment was that he was in the presence of the only woman in his life, and that, with no need for words, she recognized the same thing.

He was more certain of it than of anything in the world. He had been told by his parents and grand- parents that he must fall in love and really know a person before becoming committed. And when two such people encounter each other, and their eyes meet, the past and the future become unimportant. There is only that moment, and the incredible certainty that everything under the sun has been written by one hand only. It is the hand that evokes love, and creates a twin soul for every person in the world.

Maktub, thought the boy. And the girl pointed to the south, indicating that it was there the strange man lived. And the boy sat there by the well for a long time, remembering that one day in Tarifa the levanter had brought to him the perfume of that woman, and realizing that he had loved her before he even knew she existed. He knew that his love for her would enable him to discover every treasure in the world. The next day, the boy returned to the well, hoping to see the girl.

To his surprise, the Englishman was there, looking out at the desert. I told him what I was seeking, and he asked me if I had ever trans- formed lead into gold. I told him that was what I had come here to learn.

The poor Englishman had traveled all this way, only to be told that he should repeat what he had already done so many times. I love you. I have crossed the desert in search of a treasure that is some- where near the Pyramids, and for me, the war seemed a curse. The boy looked around him at the date palms.

He reminded himself that he had been a shepherd, and that he could be a shepherd again. Fatima was more impor- tant than his treasure. The boy went to the well every day to meet with Fatima. He told her about his life as a shepherd, about the king, and about the crystal shop.

There are powerful forces on both sides, and the war is impor- tant to both armies. Then, you taught me something of the universal lan- guage and the Soul of the World. Because of that, I have become a part of you. I have forgotten about my past, about my traditions, and the way in which men of the desert ex- pect women to behave. Ever since I was a child, I have dreamed that the desert would bring me a wonderful present. So now, I fear nothing, because it was those omens that brought you to me.

And I am a part of your dream, a part of your Personal Legend, as you call it. If you have to wait until the war is over, then wait. But if you have to go before then, go on in pursuit of your dream. The dunes are changed by the wind, but the desert never changes. He thought of all the married shepherds he had known. Love required them to stay with the people they loved. He told Fatima that, at their next meeting.

They become a part of everything. And then the other women are happy because they believe that their men may one day return, as well. I used to look at those women and envy them their happiness.

Now, I too will be one of the women who wait. I want my husband to wander as free as the wind that shapes the dunes. And, if I have to, I will accept the fact that he has become a part of the clouds, and the animals, and the water of the desert. He wanted to tell him about Fatima. He was surprised when he saw that the Englishman had built himself a furnace outside his tent. As the Englishman stared out at the desert, his eyes seemed brighter than they had when he was reading his books.

To do that successfully, I must have no fear of failure. He wandered for a while, keeping the date palms of the oasis within sight. He listened to the wind, and felt the stones beneath his feet.

Here and there, he found a shell, and realized that the desert, in remote times, had been a sea. He sat on a stone, and allowed himself to become hypnotized by the horizon. But Fatima was a woman of the desert, and, if anything could help him to under- stand, it was the desert. As he sat there thinking, he sensed movement above him.

He watched the hawks as they drifted on the wind. He followed the move- ment of the birds, trying to read something into it. Maybe these desert birds could explain to him the meaning of love without ownership. He felt sleepy. In his heart, he wanted to remain awake, but he also wanted to sleep. When you are in love, things make even more sense, he thought.

The vision vanished immediately, but it had shaken him. He had heard people speak of mirages, and had already seen some himself: they were desires that, because of their intensity, materialized over the sands of the desert. He wanted to forget about the vision, and return to his meditation. He tried again to concentrate on the pink shades of the desert, and its stones. The boy recalled what he had seen in the vision, and sensed that it was actually going to occur.

He rose, and made his way back toward the palm trees. Once again, he perceived the many languages in the things about him: this time, the desert was safe, and it was the oasis that had become dangerous. The camel driver was seated at the base of a palm tree, observing the sunset. He saw the boy appear from the other side of the dunes. The camel driver understood what the boy was say- ing. He knew that any given thing on the face of the earth could reveal the history of all things.

The desert was full of men who earned their living based on the ease with which they could penetrate to the Soul of the World. They were known as seers, and they were held in fear by women and the elderly.

Tribesmen were also wary of consulting them, because it would be impossible to be effective in battle if one knew that he was fated to die. The tribesmen preferred the taste of battle, and the thrill of not knowing what the outcome would be; the future was already written by Allah, and what he had written was always for the good of man.

Where was his horse? What kind of blow should one deliver next in order to remain alive? Many of them had been right about what they said, while some had been wrong.

Then, one day, the oldest seer he had ever sought out and the one most to be feared had asked why the camel driver was so interested in the future. He wrapped the twigs in a piece of cloth and put them back in his bag.

There, I can read the past, discover what has already been forgotten, and understand the omens that are here in the present. The future be- longs to God, and it is only he who reveals it, under extraordinary circumstances.

How do I guess at the fu- ture? Based on the omens of the present. The secret is here in the present. If you pay attention to the present, you can improve upon it. And, if you improve on the present, what comes later will also be better. Each day, in itself, brings with it an eternity. And God only rarely reveals the future. Why was it that he wanted the boy to serve as his instrument? They believe that if they have to know about something Allah wants them to know, someone will tell them about it.

It has happened many times before. But, this time, the person is you. And he decided he would go to see the chiefs of the tribes. When he emerged, it was with a young Arab, dressed in white and gold. The boy told the younger man what he had seen, and the man asked him to wait there.

He disappeared into the tent. Only the lights in the great tent remained. During all this time, the boy thought about Fatima, and he was still unable to understand his last conversation with her.

Finally, after hours of waiting, the guard bade the boy enter. The boy was astonished by what he saw in- side. Never could he have imagined that, there in the middle of the desert, there existed a tent like this one. The ground was covered with the most beautiful car- pets he had ever walked upon, and from the top of the structure hung lamps of handwrought gold, each with a lighted candle.

The tribal chieftains were seated at the back of the tent in a semicircle, resting upon richly em- broidered silk cushions. Servants came and went with silver trays laden with spices and tea. The atmosphere was suffused with the sweet scent of smoke. There were eight chieftains, but the boy could see immediately which of them was the most important: an Arab dressed in white and gold, seated at the center of the semicircle.

At his side was the young Arab the boy had spoken with earlier. And he told what he had seen. The boy became fearful; the omens told him that something was wrong.

He regretted having spoken to the camel driver about what he had seen in the desert. Suddenly, the elder at the center smiled almost im- perceptibly, and the boy felt better. But the boy was already used to the Language of the World, and he could feel the vibra- tions of peace throughout the tent. Now his intuition was that he had been right in coming. The discussion ended. Then he turned to the boy: this time his ex- pression was cold and distant.

All of us know that whoever believes in dreams also knows how to interpret them. His name was Joseph. He, too, was a stranger in a strange land, like you, and he was probably about your age. The Tradition saved Egypt from famine in those days, and made the Egyptians the wealthiest of peoples. The Tradition teaches men how to cross the desert, and how their children should marry. The Tradition says that an oasis is neutral territory, because both sides have oases, and so both are vulnerable.

Everything we know was taught to us by the desert. The meeting was over. Through- out the entire day we will be on the lookout for our enemies. When the sun sets, the men will once again surrender their arms to me. For every ten dead men among our enemies, you will receive a piece of gold.

Arms are as capricious as the desert, and, if they are not used, the next time they might not function. He was twenty min- utes from his tent, and began to make his way there. He was alarmed by what had happened. He had suc- ceeded in reaching through to the Soul of the World, and now the price for having done so might be his life. It was a frightening bet. But he had been making risky bets ever since the day he had sold his sheep to pursue his Personal Legend.

And, as the camel driver had said, to die tomorrow was no worse than dying on any other day. He had lived every one of his days intensely since he had left home so long ago. If he died tomorrow, he would already have seen more than other shepherds, and he was proud of that. Suddenly he heard a thundering sound, and he was thrown to the ground by a wind such as he had never known. The area was swirling in dust so intense that it hid the moon from view.

Before him was an enormous white horse, rearing over him with a frightening scream. When the blinding dust had settled a bit, the boy trembled at what he saw. Astride the animal was a horseman dressed completely in black, with a falcon perched on his left shoulder. He wore a turban and his entire face, except for his eyes, was covered with a black kerchief. He appeared to be a messenger from the desert, but his presence was much more powerful than that of a mere messenger.

The strange horseman drew an enormous, curved sword from a scabbard mounted on his saddle. The steel of its blade glittered in the light of the moon. This man looked exactly the same, except that now the roles were reversed.

It drew a droplet of blood. The horseman was completely immobile, as was the boy. In his heart, he felt a strange sense of joy: he was about to die in pursuit of his Personal Legend. And for Fatima. The omens had been true, after all. Here he was, face-to- face with his enemy, but there was no need to be con- cerned about dying—the Soul of the World awaited him, and he would soon be a part of it.

And, tomorrow, his enemy would also be a part of that Soul. They wanted to save the oasis. Tomorrow all of you will die, because there are more men at the oasis than you have. Allah taught me the language of the birds. But he kept the sword in his hand. The stranger was speaking of things that very few people knew about. Because the desert tests all men: it chal- lenges every step, and kills those who become distracted.

The same hand that had brandished the sword now held a whip. The horse reared again, raising a cloud of dust. The hand with the whip pointed to the south. The boy had met the alchemist. The mounted troops entered the oasis from the north; it appeared to be a peaceful expedition, but they all carried arms hid- den in their robes. And they attacked an empty tent.

The children had been kept at the other side of a grove of palm trees, and saw nothing of what had happened. The women had remained in their tents, praying for the safekeeping of their hus- bands, and saw nothing of the battle, either. Were it not for the bodies there on the ground, it would have appeared to be a normal day at the oasis.

The only tribesman spared was the commander of the battalion. That afternoon, he was brought before the tribal chieftains, who asked him why he had vio- lated the Tradition. The commander said that his men had been starving and thirsty, exhausted from many days of battle, and had decided to take the oasis so as to be able to return to the war. The tribal chieftain said that he felt sorry for the tribesmen, but that the Tradition was sacred.

He con- demned the commander to death without honor. Rather than being killed by a blade or a bullet, he was hanged from a dead palm tree, where his body twisted in the desert wind. He repeated his story about Joseph of Egypt, and asked the boy to become the counselor of the oasis.

He eventually sighted a single tent, and a group of Arabs passing by told the boy that it was a place inhab- ited by genies. But the boy sat down and waited. Not until the moon was high did the alchemist ride into view. He carried two dead hawks over his shoulder. So I have come here. It was a tent like many at the oasis. The boy looked around for the ovens and other apparatus used in alchemy, but saw none.

There were only some books in a pile, a small cooking stove, and the carpets, covered with mysterious designs. The boy suspected that they were the same hawks he had seen on the day before, but he said nothing. It was better than the scent of the hookahs. He has begun to try to understand the desert.

The boy understood. Another person was there to help him toward his Personal Legend. You already know all you need to know. I am only going to point you in the direction of your treasure. In my own country, I would be a rich man. She is a treasure greater than anything else I have won. It was the most delicious wine he had ever tasted. Camels are traitorous: they walk thousands of paces and never seem to tire. Then suddenly, they kneel and die. But horses tire bit by bit.

You always know how much you can ask of them, and when it is that they are about to die. The alchemist was ready, and he mounted his own steed and placed the falcon on his left shoulder.

He wanted to say so to the alchemist, but he was afraid of the man. They reached the rocky place where the boy had seen the hawks in the sky, but now there was only silence and the wind.

And then the boy understood. He loosened the reins on his horse, who galloped forward over the rocks and sand. Advancing slowly, they searched among the stones. NUNCA le de cuerda a un mecanismo que utiliza cables sin que esten instaladas las pesas. Su reloj puede tener paneles superiores de madera o vidrio.

Al quitarlos, crea acceso al. Los paneles se fijaron para. Para retirar cada panel, introduzca su mano por la puerta de enfrente, y quite la cinta o gire los sujetadores de plastico.

Despues, siga estos pasos:. Sujete la tablilla o manija con las puntas de los dedos. Tenga cuidado de no crear presion al cristal, ya que puede separarlo de la madera en la parte de arriba. Levante el panel hacia arriba, para que repose en la ranura de abajo. Empuje la parte de abajo hacia adentro, mientras que al mismo tiempo jale la. Saque el panel por la apertura creada, empezando con la parte de abajo.

Al instalar estos paneles, haga los pasos 1 al 5 en reversa. Algunas marcas en el vidrio resultan de los procesos de manufactura como el modelamiento al calor, el corte, o el acabado. Estas marcas son perceptibles, pero son naturales y no se les considera como fallas.

Cuando limpie el vidrio use un producto para vidrios con amonia. Pero tenga cuidado de no apuntar el atomizador del producto directamente al reloj. Rattachez egalement votre regu de caisse a ce manuel pour pouvoir vous y referer plus tard. Deplacez toujours votre horloge avec soin, en vous assurant que toutes les pieces accessoires telles que le pendule et les poids sont retirees et correctement emballees pour eviter de les endommager.

Suivez ensuite ces etapes :. Agrippez les lattes de bois ou le bouton avec les doigts. Prenez soin de ne pas pousser sur le treillis de tissus ou le verre pour ne pas les separer du panneau. Poussez le bord inferieur du panneau vers le centre de la caisse, tout en tirant le bord superieur vers le bas, hors de la fente du haut. Faites pivoter le bord superieur du panneau vers le centre de la caisse.

Notez que des marques caracteristiques mineures sont creees par des procedes de fabrication du verre tels que le thermoformage, la decoupe ou le polissage du verre. Elles sont naturelles et ne sont pas considerees comme defauts. Pour nettoyer le verre, utilisez un produit de nettoyage pour verre sans ammoniaque. Das Produktinformationsetikett zeigt die Modell- und Seriennummer der Uhr an. Das Produktinformationsetikett kann an verschiedenen Stellen angebracht sein: auBen auf dem Versandkarton, an der Ruckseite der Tur, an der Ruckseite der Uhr, oben auf der Uhr oder im Innern der Uhr uber der Ruckseite des Ziffernblatts.

Beim Umzug mit Ihrer Uhr sollten Sie sich sorgfaltig vergewissern, daB alle Zusatzteile, wie das Pendel und die Gewichte, entfernt werden und entsprechend verpackt sind, um Schaden zu vermeiden. Die Panele konnen wahrend des Versands mit Klebeband oder einer Plastikklammer befestigt werden. Um das Panel zu entfernen, langen Sie durch die Vorderture und drehen die Plastikklammer oder entfernen das Klebeband. Dann befolgen Sie diese Schritte:.

Seien Sie vorsichtig, nicht gegen das Gittertuch oder Glas zu drucken, da es sich sonst von dem Holzpanel der oberen Seite trennen konnte. Heben Sie das obere Seitenpanel nach oben. Es ruht am unteren Rand auf einem Vorsprung. Schieben Sie die untere Kante des oberen Seitenpanels in die Mitte des Gehauses, wahrend Sie gleichzeitig die Oberseite nach unten und von dem Vorsprung am oberen Rand der Offnung wegziehen.

Entfernen Sie das obere Seitenpanel von der Rahmenoffnung mit der unteren Kante nach vorn. Bitte beobachte Sie dass minimale Merkmale beim Glasherstellungsverfahren, wie z. Diese Merkmale, obwohl sichtbar, sind naturlich und sollten nicht als Feher betrachtet werden. Beim Reinigen des Glases, bitte nur amoniakfreien Reiniger benutzen. Nie das Reinigungsmittel direkt auf die Uhr spruhen.

Se deben elevar las pesas cada siete 7 dias, de otra forma el reloj se detendra. La pesas que se suspenden de cables con poleas deben ser alzadas usando la manija que se incluye. NO levante las pesas con su mano mientras le da vuelta a la manija.

Introduzca la manivela en los agujeros apropiados que se encuentran en la caratula vea la figura 15 y gire la manivela a izquierdas, o sea en contra de las agujas del reloj. Esto hara que se eleven las pesas. NO levante las pesas, ya que se podria desenganchar la pesa de la cadena. Para cambiar la velocidad en que marca la hora el reloj, basta con mover el disco del pendulo hacia arriba o hacia abajo.

El disco del pendulo se puede mover hacia arriba o abajo enroscando la tuerca de ajuste. Para bajar la velocidad, baje el disco del pendulo desenroscando la tuerca de ajuste hacia la izquierda. Para incrementar la velocidad, levante el disco del pendulo enroscando la tuerca de ajuste hacia la derecha. Elija una hora del dia que le permita revisar su reloj a la misma hora durante un periodo minimo de 6 dias. Ponga las manecillas en la hora correcta como se indica en la seccion de regular la hora.

Compare la hora correcta con la hora que indique su reloj. Esta adelantado o atrasado? Ajuste la tuerca del disco una vuelta completa approximadamente medio minuto por dia. El ajuste exacto del tiempo varia para cada pendulo. Ponga el minutero en la hora correcta. Siga los mismos pasos al dia siguiente.

Algunos relojes cuentan con una opcion que le permite silenciar el carillon e indicacion sonora de la hora en punto, entre las p. La ultima campana es a las p. Utilize la perilla en parte izquierda de la caratula para seleccionar esta opcion. Si su reloj se mantiene en silencio entre las a. Primero, quita la mechanismo afuera del pocision de silencio, despues.

Para cambiarlo 12 horas, rote unicamente el minutero hacia atras hasta que llegue a la hora correcta. Algunos relojes cuentan con lamparas que iluminan la parte interna de la caja del reloj. Antes de hacer funcionar la lampara, quite con cuidado la cubierta de papel de la bombilla.

Ceci remonte les poids. La vitesse du mouvement peut etre modifiee en deplagant la lentille du pendule vers le haut ou vers le bas. Selectionnez une heure de la journee vous permettant de verifier votre horloge a la meme heure pendant au moins six jours. Les cinq jours suivants au besoin. Votre horloge tourne-t-elle trop rapidement ou trop lentement?

NUIT certains modeles seulement. Le dernier carillon de 22h00 et le premier carillon de 7h Utilisez la manivelle se trouvant a la droite du cadran pour selectionner cette option.

Si votre horloge est silencieuse entre 10h15 et 19h15, vous devez reculer les aiguilles de 12 heures. Avant de faire fonctionner les lampes, il faut enlever avec precaution les manchons de papier des ampoules. Die Gewichte mussen alle sieben 7 Tage hochgezogen werden, damit die Uhr nicht stehenbleibt.

Gewichte, die an Seilen mit Seilrollen hangen, sollten mit dem mitgelieferten Aufziehschlussel gehoben werden. Dadurch werden die Gewichte hochgezogen. Um die Zeitmessungsgeschwindigkeit zu andern, bewegen Sie die Pendelscheibe nach oben oder nach unten. Die Pendelscheibe kann nach oben oder unten bewegt werden, indem Sie die Einstellschraube drehen.

Um die Uhr zu verlangsamen, bewegen Sie die Pendelscheibe nach unten, indem Sie die Einstellschraube nach links drehen.

Um die Uhr zu beschleunigen, bewegen Sie die Pendelscheibe nach oben, indem Sie die Einstellschraube nach rechts drehen. Geht Ihre Uhr zu schnell oder zu langsam? Genaue Zeit die Regelung andert sich fur jedes Pendel. Manche Uhrenmodelle haben eine Option, mit der Sie automatisch den Glocken- und Stundenschlag zwischen Wenn Ihre Uhr zwischen Um die Zeiger um 12 Stunden zuruckzusetzen, drehen Sie nur den Minutenzeiger dem Uhrsinn entgegengesetzt auf die richtige Zeit.

Vor dem Zurucksetzen der Zeiger muB die Nachtabschaltung ausgeschaltet werden. Einige Uhren sind mit Lampen ausgestattet, die das Innere des Uhrengehauses beleuchten. Para seleccionar la melodia de carillon necesita mover un boton de seleccion en la caratula del reloj.

Algunos modelos tocan unicamente la melodia Westminster, mientras que otros le dan a elegir entre tres melodias. Algunos modelos tambien tienen una secuencia automatica de carillon, la cual hace que el mecanismo cambie de melodia cada hora. La seleccion de esta secuencia automatica, o de alguna otra opcion de melodias, se logra al mover el boton selector. Si su reloj tiene un mecanismo triple, el boton identifica las opciones en las melodias. NO intente mover el boton selector de carillon mientras que el reloj este sonando, ya que podria danar el mecanismo.

Vea la figura 18 para tener una idea de cuando puede mover el selector sin danar el mecanismo. Su reloj requiere de poco cuidado y mantenimiento. A continuacion se detallan pasos que puede seguir para mantener en optimas condiciones su reloj.

Utilize un liquido sin silicon, o cera en pasta. Puede desbalancearse con el paso del tiempo. Tal vez tenga que ajustar los niveladores. Condiciones extremas de calor, frio, humedad, resequedad o sal en el medio ambiente puede requerir mantenimiento mas frecuente.

No recomendamos que usted atienda el movimiento de reloj usted mismo. Pongase en contacto con uno de los Centros de Servicio Autorizado. Vea la Seccion de Informacion de Servicio. Asegure de que todas las instrucciones incluidas aqui fueron cuidadosamente efectuadas. Estas instrucciones le ofreceran informacion detallada, la cual contestara la mayoria de sus preguntas.

Para ver un listado de preguntas frecuentes visite el sitio web con ello podria convenientemente resolver su problema o encontrar respuestas a sus preguntas. Si la esfera lunar no gira como se describio en la configuracion de la misma, PASO 4 , esto puede indicar que los engranajes que mueven automaticamente la esfera lunar estan atascados. Le levier de selection sert a actionner ce mecanisme ou a choisir une melodie.

Si elle comporte un mouvement de carillon triple, le levier indique les choix des melodies. Reportez-vous a la figure 18 pour savoir quand on peut deplacer le levier sans danger. Vous devez apporter certains soins a votre horloge et effectuer un entretien regulier. Les etapes ci-dessous vous aideront a preserver la qualite exceptionnelle de votre horloge. Vous ne devriez cependant pas proceder a cet entretien vous-meme. Contacter un Centre de reparation Autorise consulter la section Renseignements pour le depannage.

Ces dernieres repondent en detail a la plupart des questions. Rendez visite au site web pour consulter la liste des questions frequemment posees pour resoudre tout probleme ou obtenir des reponses a vos questions. Sie konnen die Gongmelodie mit einem besonderen Hebel auf dem Uhrziffernblatt auswahlen. Einige Modelle spielen nur den Westminster-Gong, wahrend andere eine Auswahl von drei Melodien bieten.

Einige Modelle haben auch eine Wahlmoglichkeit fur automatische Reihenfolge. Mit dieser Einrichtung kann das Uhrwerk die Gongauswahl automatisch jede Stunde andern. Die Reihenfolge oder die Wahl einer dieser drei Melodien erfolgt mit dem Gonghebel. Dies konnte den Gongmechanismus beschadigen. Siehe Abbildung 18 fur die Zeiten, zu denen Sie den Auswahlhebel fur den Gong verschieben konnen, ohne das Uhrwerk zu beschadigen.

Ihre Uhr benotigt wenig Pflege und Wartung. Im folgenden sind einige Schritte angegeben, mit denen Sie die auteerordentliche Qualitat Ihrer Uhr aufrechterhalten konnen. Benutzen Sie eine Wachsflussigkeit oder ein Mobelwachs ohne Siliconzusatz. Dies ist besonders wichtig wahrend der ersten paar Monate, wenn die Uhr auf Teppichboden steht. Da die Fusse der Uhr in den Teppich einsinken, konnte sie aus dem Lot sein. Es kann sein, date eine oder alle der Schrauben neu justiert werden mussen.

Bei extrem trockener, feuchter oder salziger Luft sowie extremer Hitze oder Kalte mute die Uhr moglicherweise ofters gewartet werden. Wir empfehlen nicht, dass Sie die Uhr-Bewegung selbst bedienen. Setzen Sie sich mit einem Autorisierten Dienstzentrum in Verbindung.

Vergewissern Sie sich, date alle Anweisungen, die mit Ihrem Produkt geliefert wurden, sorgfaltig befolgt worden sind. Ihre Fragen beantworten konnen.

Si su reloj suena mas de un minuto antes o despues de cuando debe, debe quitar la manecilla del minuto para ajustarlo.

Usando unas pinzas o alicates, cuidadosamente quite la tuerca que sostiene a la manecilla del minuto, girandola hacia la izquierda, mientras que al mismo tiempo mantiene firme al minutero. Jale la manecilla, sosteniendola en el punto donde se inserta al eje. Esta manecilla no esta enroscada, y debe poder deslizarse facilmente.

El minutero tiene una orilla que sobresale de la parte de atras, alrededor del hoyo donde se inserta el eje. Este es el casquillo. Usando las pinzas, apriete firmemente el casquillo a los lados, asegurandose de que no se pueda resbalar. Con su otra mano, gire la manecilla la distancia necesaria para que suene a la hora correcta.

Ponga nuevamente la manecilla en el eje, y enrosque la tuerca con sus dedos. Asegurese de que ambas manecillas indiquen la hora que anoto en el paso 1, ademas de la correccion en el paso 3. Si el minutero no apunta al numero correcto, repita los pasos 2 y 3.

Paso 1: Cuando el reloj suene a la , pare el pendulo y anote la hora Paso 2: Cuidadosamente quite la tuerca. Paso 3: Jale la manecilla del minuto. Sostenga el casquillo de los lados,y dele vuelta la distancia necesaria para ajustarlo 5 minutos.

Paso 4: Coloque el minutero de tal manera que este indique Instale nuevamente la tuerca. Paso 5: Apriete la tuerca. Paso 6: Comienze la operacion del pendulo. Paso 7: Ponga la hora correcta a su reloj. El rotar esta manecilla independientemente de la otra no dana el reloj. Si es necesario ajustar el minutero para corregir la hora , muevalo a izquierdas. Asegurese de que todo el material de empaque usado para el transporte se haya removido del area del mecanismo.

Asegurese de que las pesas esten colgando del lugar correcto. Revise la etiqueta adhesiva en la parte de abajo de cada pesa, para asegurar su posicion.

Para modelos con silenciador nocturno, asegurese que el reloj no este en esa posicion. Podria ser que los empaques de esponja que se encuentran encima de las poleas de los cables esten inmovilizandolos. Retire cuidadosamente los empaques de esponja levantando cada uno de ellos hasta apartarlos de la polea del cable. Despues empujelos suavemente hacia atras a traves de los cables. No use herramientas para retirar los empaques. No deje que el cable traslape el tambor.

Tirez droit. Etape 2 : retirez soigneusement le petit ecrou. Etape 6 : mettez le pendule en marche. Assurez-vous que les poids sont suspendus au bon endroit en verifiant les etiquettes sous chacun. Verifiez le reglage des marteaux et la bonne tonalite du carillon au besoin.

Enlevez les blocs de mousse de polystyrene. Ne laissez pas le cable se chevaucher sur le tambour. Wenn der Gong mehr als eine Minute vor oder nach der richtigen Zeit schlagt, sollte der Minutenzeiger entfernt und justiert werden. Entfernen Sie vorsichtig mit einer Zange die kleine Zeigermutter, die den Minutenzeiger befestigt, indem Sie die Zeigermutter dem Uhrzeiger entgegengesetzt drehen, wahrend Sie gleichzeitig den Minutenzeiger mit Ihren Fingern nahe an der kleinen Schraubenmutter halten.

Ziehen Sie den Zeiger gerade nach vorn ab. Dieser Zeiger ist nicht angeschraubt und sollte sich leicht entfernen lassen. Der Minutenzeiger hat eine kleine erhabene Stelle auf der Ruckseite direkt um die Schaftoffnung herum.

Dies ist die Zeigerbuchse. Vergewissern Sie sich, daB der Zeiger auf die gleiche Stelle zeigt, die Sie in Schritt 1 notiert haben, plus etwaige Korrekturen, die Sie in Schritt 3 vorgenommen haben. Wenn der Zeiger nicht auf die korrekte Stelle deutet, wiederholen Sie Schritte 2 und 3. Befestigen Sie die Zeigerschraubenmutter mit der Zange, ziehen Sie sie jedoch nicht zu fest an. Schritt 1: Wenn der Gong um Schritt 2: Entfernen Sie vorsichtig die kleine Zeigermutter.

Schritt 3: Entfernen Sie den Minutenzeiger. Schritt 4: Befestigen Sie wieder den Zeiger, so daB er auf Befestigen Sie die Zeigermutter mit den Fingern. Schritt 5: Ziehen Sie die Zeigermutter fest an. Schritt 6: Starten Sie das Pendel. Schritt 7: Stellen Sie die Uhr wieder auf die aktuelle Zeit ein. Die Uhr wird durch das unabhangige Drehen des Zeigers nicht beschadigt werden. Vergewissern Sie sich, daB alles Verpackungsmaterial aus dem Bereich des Uhrwerks entfernt worden ist.

Vergewissern Sie sich, daB die Gewichte in der korrekten Position hangen. Sehen Sie auf dem Etikett an der Unterseite jedes Gewichts nach, um die richtige Position festzustellen.

Bei Modellen, bei denen der Gong nachts abgestellt werden kann, vergewissern Sie sich, daB sich die Uhr nicht in dem abgestellten Modus befindet. Uberprufen Sie die Hammereinstellung und korrigieren Sie den Gongton, falls notwendig.

Es kann vorkommen, daB die Styroporblocke das Seil uber den Seilaufzugsrollen blockieren. Entfernen Sie die Styroporblocke vorsichtig, indem Sie den Block gerade nach oben heben, bis er von der Seilaufzugsrolle gelost ist, und schieben Sie den Block dann vorsichtig durch die Drahtseile nach hinten. Verwenden Sie keine Werkzeuge zum Entfernen der Blocke. Das Seil darf sich nicht auf der Trommel uberschneiden. El tono puede ser afectado por los martillos que no peguen directamente en las barras, o si los martillos estan incorrectamente tocando las barras durante reposo.

Aunque estos fueron ajustados en la fabrica, es posible que se hayan desajustado. Para la mayoria de los relojes, no sera necesario ajustar los martillos.

Existen diferentes tipos de carillones, tubos y barras; favor de encontrar el suyo a continuacion. En caso de ser necesario, ajuste los martillos de tal manera que no interfieran unos con los otros. El volumen no puede ser ajustado en un mecanismo con barras de carillon.

Sin embargo, la distancia puede ser ajustada enroscando y desenroscando el tornillo que sujeta al hilo del martillo. Por lo tanto, este ajuste debe ser hecho cuidadosamente. NOTA: El tornillo de tension de martillo es ajustados en la fabrica, y no es ajustable. No recomendamos reparar su propio reloj, sin embargo debe revisar los siguientes articulos antes de ponerse en contacto con nosotros, su vendedor o un Centro de Servicio Autorizado.

No trate de efectuar ningun ajuste que no crea ser capaz de realizar. Removio el resorte de la guia del pendulo de la parte de atras del mecanismo? Intento re-empezar su reloj? Se necesita estar en tiempo sureloj par segir correrendo. Estan en el lugar correcto las pesas? Revise la parte de abajo de cada pesa para cerciorarse de esto. Esta pegandole el pendulo a las barras o las pesas?

De ser asi, revise la nivelacion y estabilidad del reloj. Tienen libertad de operacion las manecillas? No deje que la manecilla de la hora.

Si el segundero esta rozando la caratula, jalela hacia afuera un poco. Si la manecilla de la hora esta rozando al minutero, la manecilla de la hora debe ser presionada y acercada a la caratula puede hacer esto con la una de sus dedos,. Reviso el resorte en la parte de atras de la caratula de la fase lunar? Reviso el resorte de suspension? Si esta danado, debe ser cambiado. Se encuentra correctamente colocado el pasador del fuste en la guia del pendulo? Si no es asi, posicione correctamente este pasador.

Cette derniere peut etre affectee par les marteaux reposant sur les tiges du carillon ou par une frappe non centree. Pour la majorite des horloges, ceci ne sera cependant pas necessaire. Comme il existe de nombreux types de carillons a tiges et a tubes , veuillez identifier le votre ci-dessous. Ceci se fait en les pliant legerement au milieu. Le volume des mouvements a tiges ne peut etre modifie. Cette distance peut cependant etre modifiee en vissant ou en devissant la vis a serrage manuel rattachee a la ficelle du marteau figure Ce reglage doit donc etre effectue avec soin.

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