Your account credentials can be accessed by other people or you may have left your account opened on other devices. If someone else is using your account on their phone then the apps can automatically download and you need to keep a check-in in that case. If you observe such an issue with your mobile device or your account, then you need to logout of your account from all the other devices and then change the password.
Changing the password will keep the account safe and you will only know the credentials. Lastly, if you have tried all the above methods and still cannot figure out how to stop Android from automatically installing apps, then the step will definitely help you. Factory reset will delete all the data from your system and will make your phone the way you received it after purchase. Before performing the factory reset, we advise you to back up your data as all the data will be erased permanently.
When you perform the resetting process, all the settings will change even the setting due to which the apps are installing automatically. Now after reading the methods listed above you can easily stop Android from installing apps automatically.
You can check all changes you have made in the setting that have resulted in automatic downloads. After identifying the settings you can pick the method accordingly and change the settings back to what they should be. We hope that this article will help you stop the automatic downloads.
If you have any query write them down in the comments section. Sign me up for the newsletter! Published Date : Mar 27, Usually if you long press on the downloading item in download manager there's an option to delete it, thus stopping the download. Apologies for resurrecting an old thread but I just had the same problem of needing to stop a download and solved the problem by activating Aeroplane Mode.
A less invasive solution and more easily reached in the UI - for anyone else ending up here from Google like I did Long press the notification and select "App Info". This will take you to the application which is responsible for the download, which you can then force stop. In Android 4. Look for Download manager. Force stop, Clear data, and Clear cache. The simple way to cancel a download in Android Lollipop is to disconnect from any internet connection, ie turn off WiFi or mobile data.
Another method would be to enable airplane mode; either methods would cause the files to timeout. Then you could delete the partially downloaded file.. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. How to encrypt WhatsApp chat backups on Google Drive? How to report a subreddit? Playing by the rules.
Please enter your comment! Please enter your name here. You have entered an incorrect email address! I am using DownloadManager to download a bunch of files in my application. I am not able to figure out how to cancel the downloads which has been enqueued by downloadManager. There are two possibilities: a.
User can manually cancel it say by clicking it in the notification bar. Cancel and remove the download through code.
You can cancel downloads via DownloadManager by calling its remove long For this you need the ID of the download. From my experience there basically are two reliable ways how to get it:. From my experience, it is not reliable to retrieve download ID via BroadcastReceiver for action android.
Getting ID in broadcast for action android. You have to get it from extra DownloadManager. Note that the broadcast is sent not only for completed download, it is also sent when you cancel download calling remove. Note: Downloads are sometimes grouped in one notification, sometimes create multiple notifications.
I wasn't able to figure out the conditions when notifications do and do not group. It seems to depend on many factors like OS version, device, download title, Note: I've tested whether you can cancel other app's download and it doesn't seem so. Even though that the IDs are database IDs that are unique across all apps.
Calling remove does not cancel another app's download. If you are looking how to stop the download, then I am sure you know how to download data through URL. I am hopping you are familiar with point 1, point 2 and point 3, and your solution is point 4. How are we doing?