Mutants masterminds power profile pdf download

Cosmic Transmutation: Transform anything into anything else 5 points per rank. Universal Translation: Comprehend 3 speak, understand, understood, all languages 6 points. Powers from the Light Powers profile work particularly well as supplemental cosmic powers. By a similar token, if cosmic power involves tapping into the universal order or some such, then it may grant effects like Luck Powers, or be opposed to such powers for their violations of that same universal order.

The following are some of the complications wielders of cosmic power might encounter in a series. These types of powers have the potential to destroy planets and stars, earning a character a galaxy-wide Enemy or a major Quirk or Phobia involving the guilt of causing such devastation. Of course, given the dangers of cosmic power, it might also only appear such an accident has happened, an effort to make the character seem like a threat by those who would rather not confront those cosmic powers directly.

In either case, the character may well be ig- norant of local history, customs, laws, and so forth, leading to potential complications. This differs from prejudice fol- lowing because it represents a gap in the characters knowl- edge and abilities, rather than just the opinions of others. Alien characters may also have disabilities relative to humans due to different physiology, such as an alien species lacking human sensory capabilities or manipu- lative limbs.

Aliens can also be dependent on different environmental conditionsbreathing a methane atmo- sphere, for examplerelying on life support equipment or powers to survive on Earth. ENEMY Cosmic power tends to come with a destiny of some sort, and there are often those opposed to that destiny who become the characters sworn enemies.

Even cosmic char- acters simply seeking peace and solitude amongst the stars may find enemies looking to exploit or steal their power for their own uses. Cosmic enemies need a range and scope similar to the character, able to pursue wherever their foe might go, even across the vastness of the universe.

FAME Just as earthly heroes may be famous in a city, country, or even worldwide, cosmic characters are often famous on a galactic or even universal scale, known and recognized on civilized planets colonies, space stations, etc.

This makes it difficult for the characters to escape the demands of their powers and their other complica- tions, like enemies or responsibilities. Those reliant on an object or touchstone of some sort for their powers may face its loss or damage. In some cases, the characters cosmic powers may be Removable. In others, the loss of the item is rare and better treated as a complication than a power modifier.

Cosmic powers dependent on the whims of a higher being might be revoked see Responsibility, following while powers reliant on the characters confidence, will- power, moral purity, or some other characteristic could be lost when that quality falters, regained only when the character undergoes some penance or effort to recover. People and authorities may turn a watchful and jaundiced eye towards cosmic power wielders, treating them as poten- tial disasters waiting to strike.

While a world might be grateful for the characters help, they may not tolerate a long-term presence, given the potential for disaster or the possibility of attracting cosmic foes. Similarly, aliens may face xenophobic attitudes on other worlds.

This includes humans visiting alien planets, where they may not be welcome. Certain races and cultures may develop prejudiced attitudes and stereotypes, and heroes looking to keep the peace and obey local lawsmuch less establish friendly diplomatic relationshave to find ways to deal with them. Characters with cosmic power tend towards either a great sense of personal responsibility for heroes or an obsession with a goal for villains.

Either way, the character is devoted to wielding power for a purpose, and must avoid distractions. Given the number of higher powers in cosmic events, those with cosmic powers are often responsible to godlike patrons, from interstellar law enforcers answering to their superiors to vastly powerful soldiers of alien empires, or heralds of cosmic gods serving their masters needs.

TEMPER A fiery temper is a common complication for imperious and perhaps understandably arrogant cosmic beings, who see themselves as too powerful to deal with petty matters or to be questioned by their inferiors. All Rights Reserved. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself.

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This sourcebook looks at the universe beyond Earth, from the history of the cosmic in the comics to the conventions of cosmic stories and characters. In its pages you will find advice and rules for creating characters and adventures in the depths of space.

GMs get ready-to-use villains, from space tyrants and aliens to nigh-omnipotent cosmic beings, and an expanded look at the universe of Freedom City and Emerald City beyond the bounds of Earth. Foes of Freedom makes the city even better. This new sourcebook introduces dozens of devious villains to Freedom City, from the rogue star knight Blackstar to the murderous Jack-a-Knives to the vengeful Silver Scream.

Villain groups like Larceny, Inc. Printed in beautiful full color throughout, Foes of Freedom takes Freedom City to the next level. Read online eBook title Supernaturals by Lucien Soulban.

Monsters are real, and they always have been. This title includes information on character creation, series and adventure design, and a complete system for building supernatural horrors for your heroes to hunt or to hunt them.

The Gamemaster's Guide includes guidance on how to set up and run your game and to help your players create the best heroes, archetypes that make building villains easy, world-building tips, and options for modifying the game to suit your group's play style. Visit a world not our own, but strangely familiar--a world of heroes and villains, of wonders and dangers, and limitless adventure! Your heroes can explore the sites and perils of all seven continents, as well as fabled Atlantis, the Lost World, and the strange realms of Sub-Terra that lie at the center of the earth.

Right here! In this book are twenty-two individual guides, each looking at a particular type of gadget, putting together the effects and modifiers from the Hero's Handbook to create a catalog of dozens of ready-to-use items. Author : Jaime Mera Publisher: Lulu. A romantic and legal tragedy giving a new name to the phrase - good versus evil. Richard, known as Creator and leader of the Eternal Champions, finds himself in the middle of the murder trial of the century.

His entire life is fixed on fighting for the helpless, but he becomes one of the helpless and has to completely put his trust in his friends and the legal system. It's a battle of wits verses public opinion. Jared once thought as a friendly superhuman secret agent working for the government is exposed as the mastermind behind Richard's plight and the Magistrate's only link to their criminal activities. Jared goes into hiding with Jean, Director of the Counter Espionage Agency, in a leap of faith to see a better future.

The hunt is on as heroes and villains abrasively turnover every rock for Jared and Jean's heads on a platter. The superheroes find their prey, but are forced to decide between justice and what is best for all. Read online eBook title Masterminds by Cameron Jackson. A story of greed, revenge, friendship, and betrayal. Masterminds features Jamaal, a grown-too-soon teenager and part-time petty criminal.

Jamaal wants to walk away, but he and his friends depend on each other to survive the growing threats they face. Keeping a low profile is all Jamaal can do, but once he stumbles on his place in a deadly conspiracy, the only solution may be a life nobody wanted him to live. Provides descriptions of many criminal masterminds throughout history. A discussion of the questions surrounding various ancient stone monuments throughout the world and, also offers a reassessment of the achievements of earlier non-literate peoples based on recent research and archaeoligical findings.

The thrilling finale to the New York Times bestselling Masterminds trilogy from middle grade star author Gordon Korman.


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